The haze is back!!!!!!!!!


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SINGAPORE: The haze is back in Singapore and you can expect more hazy days ahead. Smoke haze shrouded Singapore on Thursday morning, with an acrid burning smell hanging in the air.

And the Pollutant Standards Index (PSI), which measures the air quality in Singapore, was around 60 on Thursday. Though this is still in the moderate range, it is however slightly higher than Wednesday’s reading of 52.
Smoke haze has been blowing into Singapore and the National Environment Agency (NEA) said that over the past few days, its satellite pictures detected significant hot spots with moderate to dense smoke.
The hot spots are mainly in the Sumatran provinces of Riau, Jambi and South Sumatra. On Wednesday alone, 50 hot spots were detected in Sumatra.
NEA added that with prevailing dry weather in the region and the wind direction expected to remain the same in the next few days, hazy conditions can be expected in Singapore over the next few days.
Doctors have cautioned against outdoor activities if the situation worsens, especially for those with respiratory illnesses.
Dr Chuah Li Li, a general practitioner from My Family Doctor, said: "Usually the discomfort is felt in the eyes, where people will feel there is a little bit of the smarting discomfort or a dry sensation. The other thing that you might feel is throat discomfort.
"For people who have lung problems — chronic obstructive lung disease and asthma — there might be... a little bit of difficulty in breathing and a chest tightness or cough.
"Elderly people with pre—existing lung condition or children with asthma should actually cut down on outdoor activities, especially strenuous activities like playing basketball and football."
But members of the public are currently not too concerned about the situation.
"At the moment, still not so serious. Maybe if it gets serious, we will do some precautionary measures," said a member of the public.
Singapore has expected the haze to return this year as the El Nino weather phenomenon develops, bringing with it hotter and drier weather. The situation is expected to worsen in the coming months, especially when the dry weather peaks in September.
The haze is the result of smoke from slash and burn activities in Indonesia, when farmers clear their lands to make way for new crops. Hot and dry weather can also cause dry twigs and leaves to burst into flames spontaneously.
On July 24, Singapore handed over three air and weather monitoring stations to Jambi Province in Sumatra to help calculate the risk of fires starting and spreading in the surrounding areas during dry weather
No wonder US went backrupt.Well guess its a new phase to the reduction of haze in the area.
Ai ya, Indonesia & their forest fires. Forever la, they!

They are the reason why my asthma is still around today.
Damn Indonesia forest fire again! I'm not sure if this would help at all -

That's indonesia's scheme, to burn forests then can get their 30m. lol jk. but seriously, if it comes to a point where the health of the general public is at stake, esp the older folk and younger children, shouldn't we have the right to appeal for those farms to be shut down? they can't be so inconsiderate and keep burning...
Must sentence those arseholes to Antarctica for life, let them know the meaning and value of fresh clean air!
I heard that the farmers there are too poor to have alternative methods. But would they be so poor if the government wasn't so corrupt? And I do not neglect the thought that perhaps those farmers are not doing it out of money issues but for damn tradition.

And it does not help that this little part of the planet is getting warmer and dryer. Even Singapore had naturally-caused forest fires, and those are rare in good little Singapore.

Sigh... I don't have asthma, but my sister does. Hope nothing goes wrong.
i've already felt the effects of the haze.
my nose is working up like a tap again...

Singapore has 3 kinds of seasons.

I think government engaging bomoh to clear the skies for tomorrow's NDP. Poor commando skydivers will miss the landing spot and land at ECP instead :)