The Great Spy Experiment

Hello GSE, do you guys mail? NS means very little time on weekdays to visit the shops, and my weekends are pretty full.
you going backbeat anytime soon? i buy and pass to you there la, easier. you've got me on msn, just drop me a msg la. does help've all been beautiful, beautiful people. this 22nd is gonna be a wonderful birthday for me. how much is the admission fee for their 3 upcoming gigs? woooh..i can't wait. dear GSE, please perform class 'a' love affair on the 22nd please. that would really2 make my day.
not sure about the ticketing portion, but we'll let you know as the date draws closer. your birthday eh? how old will you be on the 22nd? feel free to go up and say hi to GSE. don't worry they won't bite, except for fandy of course. he's rabid.

anyway, more substation septfest info can be found here:

damn right :)

Our upcoming gigs are all free events so do come along and bring your friends!

Carlos, remind me to dedicate Class 'A' to Quietus at Substation please. :)

i'll be seventeen. nah..i think i would just watch gse from the back. i may be bringing my friends along. and maybe, just maybe, i would also be bringing my..bestfriend too. haha. i think she would enjoy herself too IF she comes.

hey thanks alot! but really u dun have to dedicate the song to me leh. just play it will do. btw, can you send me the lyrics for the song? i'd really2 wanna sing along with you guys though i know my voice isnt nice. but so what? i would only wanna enjoy myself. can you send me?

oh yah..about the album..i havent had the money to buy it yet..but i promise, when hari raya comes, first item that i would spend on with my hari raya money would be the album. keep up the good work, gse! do more of these please because you guys deserve it. ::applause::

oh yah..when i buy it..can i meet you guys somewhere just to get each of your autograph? haha.
autographs! they'll be more than happy to! since it's gonna be your birthday and you might be bringing your 'bestfriend' along, perhaps you can sing her the song lah eh? grin.

class 'a' love affair

what i'll do just to take you in.
you know i'll take you somewhere deep within.
you know i'd die for you,
yeah i'd die for you.
oh yeah.

close my eyes, but i can't escape this feeling.
your voice is, so gentle and appealing.
this fire, takes me higher.
a bit of desire, that i just can't deny.
oh won't you, come a little bit closer, and be mine?

heavenly, you draw my puckered lips.
so slowly, you smother me within.
this fire, takes me higher.
a bit of desire, that i just can't deny.
oh won't you, come a little bit closer.
say you'll be mine, for all time?
we're gonna take it slower,
last a little bit longer.
oh yeah.

i tried to listen, i tried to reason,
but this feeling just won't go away.
you draw me in so close
you burn my skin
but still i turn to you all night and day.

turn my back, i can't stop resisting.
can't deny this love, everlasting.
light this love, divine constellation.
mind my heart, this twisted attraction.
taste your sweet release on my fingers.
rest my soul but leave me so breathless.
god forgive but please don't deny this.
so come on, shine on, shine all your love upon us.

Bro Aging Youth bro..

Support local music. Buy the cd! Haha..

No la.. We'll send you the press kit asap.. A bit of a mess now trying to send out the press stuff - so many!

In the meantime...


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