The Full Flight @ Gashaus

full flight tix

the full flight gig pre-sale tix on 30th dec is available now. email to to order. or come down during any of the weekday shows @ gas haus and get it from the ticket booth. or you can also get it from the bands that are playing on the 30th dec.
i would like to inform that there's no prejudice towards oi bands. the line-up we have currently is made up of bands who've email us with interest to be part of our events. unfortunately i did not receive any emails from oi bands, please pass the message around that we do cater to all genre of music and that it's best to email us if they're interested and want the opportunity to be a part of our upcoming events. thank you.
Thanks for the explaination mate... My apologies for my mistake... Nonetheless, that make things clear that you guys are open-minded so my gratitude to you guys... And yeah maybe in the near future hopefully there are oi bands in your gig... Will be looking forward to that... Lastly, thank you for supports though, really appreciate that a lot...

Current great local oi bands (not in order):
The Ruction
The Bois
Secret Army
Brewing Boots
Drunken Hooligans
Firm On Fire
Generation 69 (not sure whether they're still around)

Will be looking forward for the gig on the 30th...
maaaaan i hope the crowd is gonna be a crazy one ... EVERYONE LISTEN UP , NO ONE IS SITTING DOWN FOR WHOEVERS SET... GET CRAZY !

peace love rock and roll ...
yes none of this sitting around :) more moving around. Otherwise we move the furniture to cover the mosh pit haha
Looking forward to Plain sunset and objection overrule on 30th! :)

There's a double pack if you guys want to buy tickets to the show and come again on the 31st for other event - $20