i cant believe that raufi heights and autumn atlantic get in the finale.
how abt misissued?
how abt november iris?
20 dischanger.?
i think they should look more towards potential,tightness rather than votes.
they dont deserve it to be in the finale especially performing with plain sunset,leaven trait,rika,ATS.
these are huge bands.
and in order to make this finale a successful gig,u need good,potential,tight bands who can make it to the same standards as them.
this is my point.
they just get more votes,but tightness,soundwise,they're not up to the standards.
pure luck.
im sorry to say this.
if u want the local scene to improve,this is not the way.
look at missisued.
they've been around for 5-6 years.
one of the best kick ass punk rock bands around.
but sadly,the deserve much more then they get now.
id love to see them in baybeats.
they're really tight.
november iris will be huge in the future.
Raufi heights and autumn atlantic,u guys are lucky.you're young,work on that sound,the tightness,and your showmanship was lacking.
i was there on the 30th alone.
on the 7th, was there alone again.
indus gendi,armchair critic,duxton plains.
the bands too look out for.
on the 12th.
u've gotta look out for 3 bands.
trella,silhouette and amateur takes control.
trella is like the younger caracal,mix love me butch,incubus you get silhouette and amateur takes control is to me one of the best post-tock.emo indie band in singapore.
these 3 bands will rock scape.
mark my words.
ive seen them a few times.
how abt misissued?
how abt november iris?
20 dischanger.?
i think they should look more towards potential,tightness rather than votes.
they dont deserve it to be in the finale especially performing with plain sunset,leaven trait,rika,ATS.
these are huge bands.
and in order to make this finale a successful gig,u need good,potential,tight bands who can make it to the same standards as them.
this is my point.
they just get more votes,but tightness,soundwise,they're not up to the standards.
pure luck.
im sorry to say this.
if u want the local scene to improve,this is not the way.
look at missisued.
they've been around for 5-6 years.
one of the best kick ass punk rock bands around.
but sadly,the deserve much more then they get now.
id love to see them in baybeats.
they're really tight.
november iris will be huge in the future.
Raufi heights and autumn atlantic,u guys are lucky.you're young,work on that sound,the tightness,and your showmanship was lacking.
i was there on the 30th alone.
on the 7th, was there alone again.
indus gendi,armchair critic,duxton plains.
the bands too look out for.
on the 12th.
u've gotta look out for 3 bands.
trella,silhouette and amateur takes control.
trella is like the younger caracal,mix love me butch,incubus you get silhouette and amateur takes control is to me one of the best post-tock.emo indie band in singapore.
these 3 bands will rock scape.
mark my words.
ive seen them a few times.