Mornin DUDELOVE!! Wooo! *high 5*

Yeah, let me ask you. Which Utd player would look the worst & most hideous in a pink away jersey. Park Ji-Sung or Patrice Evra??
i know it's not really possible given the physical, emotional, and skillzors state of our beloved Arsenal team at the moment but, I WISH they'd give their best performance of this year to delay ManU's coronation and give Liverpool one more matchday of thinking they can actually win it.
i know it's not really possible given the physical, emotional, and skillzors state of our beloved Arsenal team at the moment but, I WISH they'd give their best performance of this year to delay ManU's coronation and give Liverpool one more matchday of thinking they can actually win it.

my sentiments bro - up your pts!
Aiyah....Pool must've been stocking up on more champagne bottles when Wigan were leading 1-0 into the 2nd half. But see, We (Utd) like to give these fellows false hope lah. Then, just seconds after feeling that hope, we'll snatch it away! Wah! I'm so mean today ah! Kk, better if I blabber on & on in the Man Utd forum...Safer..hehe:cool:

after both legs of semi finals without him.... LIKE FINALLY!

eh fgl bro, if i were to go watch at arsenal singapore club "house" there, need to pay any entrance fee or not?

after both legs of semi finals without him.... LIKE FINALLY!

eh fgl bro, if i were to go watch at arsenal singapore club "house" there, need to pay any entrance fee or not?

no - free -look for the treasurer Dheneesh to sign up or get more details - He is very friendly ... just say U Farid friend (he dont know the term fgl) maybe U even get foc beer:mrgreen:
Even if Liverpool doesn't win the title this season (very unlikely given Man U's win earlier on), Liverpool had a great season and of coz one of the highlights was doing the double over Man U (2-1 & 4-1)..tats the moment to remember for us Pool fans :)

Next season, we can challenge for the title but it won't be easy though.
remember, wasn't for arshavin, liverpool would have the same number of points with man utd (with man utd having one game in hand).

thats why i love him. for doing us a favour. and being ABSENT for the champions league semi finals.

he can score 5 goals againts us.. no problem. after all we owe him.

i dont really give a crap abt the result against arsenal. now for u guys its all abt pride.
Next season, we can challenge for the title but it won't be easy though.

make it 20 years and counting la... hehe

YUP! Wenger will come to his senses and stock up on ammo this summer, and will wreck destruction next season donning their new green away jersey. this incredible jersey will allow any gunner to camouflage with the pitch thus staying stealth from the opponents view.

they will be unbeaten wearing their green jerseys!

i dont really give a crap abt the result against arsenal. now for u guys its all abt pride.

yup yup, it's all about pride. i hope man utd won't hold back or throw in the youngsters against us only because this is the game in hand that they can afford to throw. i would like to see an awesome match on both sides (like chelsea vs arsenal even though we were trashed).
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