The first song you/your band learned and the latest.


at 1st:

blink182 All the Small Things -----------> X japan Crucify my love ----------> Led Zeppelin Stairway solo

haha... thas by myself lah... no band yet :D
slipknot - heretic anthem(my 1st song)

cureently learning

my chemical romance - thank you for the venom

all by my band currently
first song i learnt was stand by me(if thats what its called)
now i'm learning laid to rest by lamb of god.
i think the first song i -really- learnt was

Manic Street Preaches - If You Tolerate this Your Children will be next.

Remember I played till pus was alll over my fingertips.

The last song I truly leart was

Judy & Mary - Classic.
haha. ever had any bands that u listened to when u were younger that u are ashamed of having listened now?

e.g blink 182 (not too ashamed cuz travis barker got me into drums)
simple plan
good charlotte

man i suck.
my band started out with blink 182 - all the small things

latest....... don't hate me - rufio, muse - new born
first song i ever learnt was For Whom The Bell Tolls by metallica, then my musical taste progressed out of metal into punk rock, then learn those blink n good charlotte stuff lor...then progress somemore into hard rock ,then GnR, Ronin...etc. lor...then latest song is Motley Crue - Don't Go Away Mad, tho i've been working on originals for quite awhile already, so nv learn covers much now. :?
MY band.... Senses Fail- Martini Kiss --------------------- >> Dream Theater-Erotomania

A BIG DRASTIC change in just one year. :D