The dreaded sweep picking ....


New member
Yoz ppl,

After spending countless hours practising my sweeps, I would think that technique-wise, its more or less rather clean. However, Ive noticed a serious problem. How to incorporate those sweeps into lead improvisations??

Would kindly appreciate if those pro lead guitarists out there would share how they usually incorporate sweeps into their improvisations. Lets say, in the key of A.

*p.s Ive always used SymphonyX's style of infusin sweeps but I find that I am always using the same few patterns and it only applies to darker music. Any possible ways that it can be used in blues or jazz?
You already know some sweep patterns and shapes right?

You know your scales?

You know how to improvise a simple solo?

Okay... do a solo... make it a... composed one. Short one. Don't sweep.

Look at your notes used...

Ask yourself: Can I connect A to B, via a sweep? Of course, using all the notes of the scale you are using... for now.

Can you work that connection out?

I am not very solid on the music theory stuff, most of what i play is what sounds good by ear, so most of the time if i jam out something really nice sounding, Ill most prob tab it out in the normal tab notation rather than the CDEFGABC format =)

As for looking at the notes in the short composed solo, if I do not have the direct intention to use sweep picking, its often not in the particular "shape" or "pattern" so yea ... facing some problems there.

Then again, all my sweepin vocab is limited to the few particular shapes and patterns Ive practised so I am not at that level where i can just link up notes and sweep them in a new shape.

Anyway, thanks for all the help, its greatly appreciated =). Anyone with any website links or advise to push me in the right direction? Thanks in advance
Problem with some of the sweep shapes used by most people is that... its really boring stuff. Nothing exciting... straight forward major / minor / diminished shapes. Its usually used to death.

But if you break up the sweeps into little bits of sweeps here and there... ah... and its really just like any other solo-ing mention: You have to use it to get used to it. Don't use it? Then you'd always find it weird/complicated. Make it 2nd nature - use it.

There's no need to force yourself to stick to the sweep shapes you have learnt... do some yourself.

No better pushing than the one that comes from yourself: Be critical of yourself and ask for honest critique - record yourself.
You can use you sweeps to connect some slower phrases. Play phrase in one position, quick sweep up to the next position using the arpeggio of the chord your in and off on the next phrase.

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