The do and donts in a Jamming room

The do's and don'ts are common sense . but some people like to use the jamming studio as a cheap alternative to hotel 81 haha . YEAH it actually happens .

But none the less , its the people you jam with . Be careful of the people you invite to join your band , and i friggin hate people that just come in the studio and say "Eh your band nice , can i sit here and listen , then the say eh your pedals nice ah , can try?' the answer is/was and will be no to both losers .
Let me quote an incident. A group of kids came in to jam, when asked if they know how to use the amps and all, they said yes... then... came out and ask why the bass sounded funny. I went in to check, they actually plug the bass into the PA mixer!..Then later came out again, this time said the guitar cable spoilt..ok, so change cable.. still came out and said maybe guitar amp spoilt cos no sound.. i went to check, the volume knob is at zero. hahhaha..

Moral of story, if dunno.. ask :)
haha.. this thread remind me of something my friend said earlier.
If you play in a band and want to propose to yr Gf do it on stage in front of as many ppl as possible because Singaporean will never answer "No" in public
then we would assume there will be a gangbang for an hour la..lolz! (ok,i'm thinking there's at least 1 girl there as a bandmate ah..aha..if not, i rather we close topic! lolz..)
eh guys please keep the subject music related please..

No obscence activies in the jamming room please.
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This is a true story. We once jammed in a studio in Pontian, the owner went out to get ciggaretes & locked us in. One of our followers really, really had to go & he could not get out, so he picked one really nice spot @ a corner behind the bass amp.. We had never went to the studio again, ever since..
dude it was a typo, my sincerest apologies for making such a simple mistake.
i guess i was too tired on that day.

oh yeah,
do's for vocalist..

pronounce the words correctly!
This is a true story. We once jammed in a studio in Pontian, the owner went out to get ciggaretes & locked us in. One of our followers really, really had to go & he could not get out, so he picked one really nice spot @ a corner behind the bass amp.. We had never went to the studio again, ever since..

haha that is soo sweet man , i bet the look on the owners face when he found out was priceless

This is a true story. We once jammed in a studio in Pontian, the owner went out to get ciggaretes & locked us in. One of our followers really, really had to go & he could not get out, so he picked one really nice spot @ a corner behind the bass amp.. We had never went to the studio again, ever since..

i pissed behind an amp on-stage during a performance once.. at music garage in bugis..
do not get drunk when u wanna jam

trust me

its a bad experience..

Ur band playing A,u urself playing B...


so stuborn wanna be like dragonforce so get drunk during jam n well....bad experience


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