the day our planet dies

When? I don't know. How? I don't know.

I'm actually more concern with where I'd be during my afterlife. Will there be Heaven? Will there be Hell? Or will there be nothing but darkness that the dead eagerly dwells?
unless some human being goes on some funny and ambitious plan to drill into the earth's core or aliens invade us, i think at least a few more billion years.

of course, that's the life of PLANET EARTH. Whether we fighting humans will still be around is another matter :/
They say before there will be an end to the world in 2000, and it has been prove many times that the mayan calender is a bullshit and I have to believe so. And yes, I am more worried about afterlife and my being after I leave my physical body, I would not want it to be just pitch dark and nothing else, no memory, no existence, how sad is that, existence is one of the most beautiful I have come to witness as a human being, I value my life like no others.
no one can predict when is doomsday.
well it would be interesting to know how the afterlife would be.
let's wait for the '2012' movie to be release at the end of the year & catch a glimpse of doomsday
Just die lah. Afterlife would be like the life we having now. How we slowly picked things up and blah blah blah.

And i was just bullshitting. Mooo.
i used to ask how and when will the table in my bedroom die. i soon got tired of asking and decided to just use the table and realised that some questions have no answers, so no point wasting time.
i got a question here, with many answers.
when and how our planet dies?

Earth is 4 billion years + old

Humans (in whatever form) have been around a few hundred thousand years (if I'm not wrong)

The Universe is 13-14 Billion years old

With all these numbers jumbling your imagination, rememeber that god was there before creation.
Note to all those who are interested in the Mayan Calendar and how people claim the world will end in 2012 based on it:

The astronomer Philip Plait has stated very clearly that the Mayan calendar does not end in 2012 at all, that it is like the odometer on your car, as each section of the odometer reaches 9 and then clicks over to 0, the next number to it starts a new cycle, so that when all the numbers again reach 0 all the way across the odometer - the last number will change from 1 to 2 and the new cycle starts all over again.

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