The Black Dahlia Murder SE Asia Tour

BTW,TBDM show is not really 100percent confirmed.
Coz there are other promoters who will definately counter offer our deal.
For us,we won't proceed the deal if their fee gets too high or higher than our usual budget..coz we are not rich people..and we are not keen at selling tix at a ridiculous rate especially if the band's fee gets higher.

Plus,we don't see a point competing as we are not doing shows as a form of business.

Well xMULDERx got no problem throwing 1000bux..
Why not let him chip in a few more..and let him take over the show/booking??He can choose whateva bands he want in for the opening.
And we can all watch TBDM for free!! :)

Anyone can actually do the long as they DON'T SHORTCHANGE THE BAND FEE..and of coz,must provide the band's needs.
true that bigblackbear!
my motive of putting up thread is to see the response...
having opening acts is secondary..i mean we dont even have to get any.
ok so what if we decide not to have any opening bands??what's xMULDERx gonna say next???

see you soon xMULDERx. :)
Not doing shows as a form of business? Who you trying to bluff? U become NKF now ah? You don't answer my question and avoid it by calling me a kid trying to act big or a businessman? ha ha... dunno where u came up with that one but I think I know who u r talking about too. So lets stop playing "Guess Who xMulderx Is" and answer my question.

That makes you worst than a businessman. A businessman and a POLITICIAN. Which we admit u are quite good at. Confusing & dividing people & worming your way outta of trouble.

Its upto kids to watch TBDM. I never asked people to boycott your show. I just want accountability especially when you wave the banner of hardcore so high hoping nobody smells your fart. Our scene is not big and we hear of things too. Juz hope that u keep your politicking on your side of the fence and not pollute everyone else's.

If you don't have any opening bands thats fine with me. If a band thinks they are not being exploited then play by all means, Anywayz some of us juz want to watch TBDM only but thats not the point of my post izzit?
enough of all this la.
i love BDM, and if they're really coming down to SG,
don't spoil this thread that's dedicated to the show.

So enlighten me mr reconstrux,
any updates on the opening local act? :D

no wait, more importantly..
has BDM even confirmed?
hi mr euphorica,

BDM will most likely come.. :)

but we may not be the promoter.
and we're cool with it.

coz right's up to them to choose which booking agency they think can give them the best offer.

IF,they stick to the initial offer,then they shud be coming in june.
oh damn.

now what if they choose the other booking agency..
do they (the other agency) provide opportunities to play alongside BDM?
we are looking at anything that is relevant to what sort of genre TBDM is playing...there are quite alot of bands that have already emailed us.we will check out on the bands and decide soon.thank you.

My band (Helmskey) emailed you guys, not sure if you got it or not since sometimes our sent mail gets marked as 'spam'. Anyway, I think we're pretty much the closest thing to their style as a band without ripping them off like metalcore bands that don't understand where the style comes from.

Anyway, just released new EP. Blackened Melodic Death/Thrash in the same style as TBDM influences (At the Gates, Dissection, Carcass, ect). Good reviews:

"Melodic Death Thrash, saved from Gothenburg ignominy through their dynamic approach." - Chronicles of Chaos Webzine

"Melodic and hard hitting riffage that doesn’t come across as filler in the least bit. In sections where other bands could have put some soulless chugging, this band aptly demonstrates their musical writing abilities...thrashy yet incredibly melodic at the same time...Helmskey has proven that they are adept musicians." -

And my old band in the States, Hymn For The Tortured (I'm sure you know where we got the name from ;), got permission from Trevor got permission to do a cover of 'Elder Misanthropy' (which sadly got lost when I moved here since I didn't upload it yet and the old computer crashed, there might be the one with the older vocalist on lastFM or something).

Hope we are considered and hope this goes through either way, finally a melodic death band comes! :D
It'd be nice to see ,once in a while, an opening or a support band whose music ain't particularly of the same genre as the main act.

I may be a little ignorant for perhaps it has happened here before so apologies in advance if it has.

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