These three bands are perhaps the biggest bands of this past year and has make the most impact in the scene this year. All have their good point all have some weak points. now i am free so i will break down each member of each band and analyze their playing and their star powers along with a summary of the band. note: this is only my personal opinions so no offence if i never include ur own personal favourite
They have been in the scene around for a long time now, and many of the members are from other bands and come together to form the new Electrico this year. This has been a good year for Electrico with a No. 1 hit single "I Want You" and "Runaway" quickly coming up the charts so now they are finally getting their stuff right. They work hard after some failures and have prevailed.
Without a doubt one of the most flamboyant and popular bassist in Singapore who is known for his wild and crazy moves and spunky character. I think he is more or less the frontman of the band, and he is a bassist (yay i am also! bass players rock) and it is rare for a bass player to be a frontman but he does the trick by being the most interesting look in the band. Rock on desmond!
David is the friendly teddy bear in the band that is just very fun and great to watch because u feel like you know him for years now when he talks to the crowd. Went up to him once after gig and he was very hospitable and nice! he writes most of the songs and is the resident talented song writer!
Oh my, she is the hottest girl in the local scene today! many people like her for her looks. actually sometimes i can't really hear her during the gigs but that's ok cause i think she's hot either ways and is a pleasure to watch perform! Amanda u have my heart!
Despite being a good guitarist and some good effects, I do not really understand why he jumps around so much. A bit too hyper even for the slow songs! But I suspect he is just having fun and feeling the music. Not my favourite member but his guitars sound good i guess.
steady goes this man never misses a beat and is part of the great rhythm section. he looks good on camera and the video but never really gets to know much of him in the media or what. but as a bassist i work closely with drummers so william gets my vote!
And out of nowhere comes this young and energetic band that plays music that sound ilke no other! almost all magazine i see and buy i have seen Ronin in the glossy pages so u know the media and fans anticipate good things from this band. Just before this year I have never heard of them, and just this year I wonder what took me so long! Definitely one of my all-time favourites music wise and image wise the best in the scene now in my opinion. with electrico in close second!
Lead Guitars
One of the most incredible lead guitarist i ever see live from an sg band! Man this guy can play ! his fingers are so smooth in bending and playing the notes I love seeing him play though i am not a big guitar fanatic but the way he holds the guitar makes it almost cool in my eyes.
BASS! Bass rocks! Derryn rocks with his cool bass guitar he uses to play which is what i want to own! He got the looks that is like the Pug Jelly jap guy, but only tougher and more rock n roll. headbang like siao and energy like siao. this is the way all bassist in rock band should be like. not ust stand there and act like background. BASS IN FRONT PLEASE!
I think without a doubt the most easy to recognise frontman in all of Singapore bands and probably overseas too! His voice range is HUGE he can reach all thsoe high notes and i think the best showman in the scene today with his sunglasses and his dancing! reminds me of sylvester, but only thing sylvester sucks but this guy rocks beyond comparing. i can imagine full sized posters on girls bedroom walls or something. my rock idol in SG.
Always bring a smile to my face when i see him drum and doing his solos! i dunno how to describe his playing, other than that that's great and goes with the music great and i think definitely ranks as one of the best i heard so far. very different from william playing and both are very good in their own way what a name also! Bang!
If u don't try to notice him u might take for granted that this guy is the one who play the riff of most of the great ronin songs! he remind me of those jap bands rhythm guitarist who never try to be showy but is still good and relevant to the music. do not know much about him in the press or wat and i think he is cool for that. especially when he sang backup vocals that time at bar none lol!
I don't know much of them except they are three piece and they have a song on radio that I don't really like. They are ang mohs so I don't know if u consider them local but i do not hold it against them at all since they are base here and i think that's cool. the singer a bit too nasal but that's punk. i don't mind punk but not a big fan.