the best gig you ever had!

shred5 said:
I was seated on the left wing from where the stage is and OMG Matthias Jab's guitar solo is really loud that all the ppl had to cover their ears.

YES!!! i still remember he was soloing on a white gibson explorer and his forehead was filled wif much sweat... the aircon was quite cold actually...hmm... :?:
Does it matter?? :smt102

U can intepret the question directly if u wish but even though the question sounds direct, it can also imply that those gig that we went and the experiences that we had.

U may also perform at gigs, concerts, etc but u still watches other performers doing their stuffs.. Then its like a 2 in 1 thingy right. U perform and U watch.

So, I can see no flaws or watever in this thread if a person were to share their own "going to gig" experience other than those "perform at gig" thingy..
I would like to go to an Aerosmith concert too.

My sister bought tickets to Australia just to see Radiohead in cnocert, and she watched them in two shows, Sydney and Melbourne in that trip. Said it was AWESOME sound scaping but oh well, they didn't come here.

I don't think there are any major international acts coming soon. They normally visit asia at the end of their major tour anyway. :S

most of the new mtv generation bands are not known for their live acts anyway. My friend, who is a Hoobastinky fan, even admitted that they are a horrible live band. Bring me back to the days of Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix man. But then again, even if they were lousy (which they are not!) nobody would care cause everyone was high on drugs all the time it made no difference!
u are damn rite, by the way most performers nowadays especially the new and upcoming, all they care is the limelite and glamor. but where are the quality performances? even if u were high on drugs, but if the band are good it really will give a tite knock on ur head n make those drugs a real booze for the money. but again, those were the days. we dont need drugs to enjoy nowadays, wat realli matters is the DRIVE to entertaint n enjoy. basicly that is wat a lot of performers today are lacking. QUALITY SHOWMANSHIPS N PERFORMANCE.
if you watch mtv, you might notice that they are playing more 'emocore' videos from upcoming bands, so i guess it's slowly becoming the new mainstream. just an observation only!

of course they follow what's popular lah. i'm sure the teens in the 70s have copycat led zep, black sabbath bands, 80s have copy new order bands, 90s have copy nirvana bands.

i've been through the singapore shoegazer phase before myself... 8O

coming back to my favourite gigs which i attended, there were 2.

Pearl Jam in Feb 95. Simply the most rockingest concert to be held in Singapore. EVER. i moshed like there was no tomorrow, so did the rest of the crowd!

Radio Heatwave gig 96. One of my poly studio technicians, arifin, had this has-been 80s cheesy mat rock band called Inspirasi. Out on whim, he was invited by the school's gig committee to play at the gig. i was initially quite skeptical about letting them play.

Boy was i wrong.

the punks and skinheads booed them when this bunch of middle-aged daddies came on stage, but when arifin started his shredfest and his singer instantly kicked into a 80s metal wail, my jaw just dropped in disbelief!! the tightness and showmanship was totally out of this world. from that moment on, everyone, punk or skinhead, kicked into high gear and started moshing. jaw was still wide open then. my most memorable local gig. 8)

does anyone rem the 2 gigs?
Re: ..

rottenramone said:
Radio Heatwave gig 96.

Could you recall which bands were playing other than your friends' band?? I went to several Radioheat Wave gigs before. But couldn't remember all.. Thanxx.