The Bassist's Effects Line Up


New member
okay, i'm getting more and more interested in effects pedals. So here's the catch for this post.

1. What kind of effects do you prefer/have (brand and effect) and why?

2. how would you line up your effects pedal and why?

I'll start first.

I have a BOSS LMB-3 Bass Limiter Enhancer and a BOSS CE-2B Bass Chorus pedal.

I use my Limiter for slapping when i'm trying to regulate my volume and playing. The Chorus pedal is for chords i'm playing and it has a nice emulation for a fretless sound.

For me .. i'll limit my chorus .. if you know what i mean .. that means, my chorus pedal is after my bass and my limiter is at the last.

What about other SOFTies?
In this order:

Ehx White Finger Compressor: considering selling it; I think an MXR Super Comp might suit me better for slapping. Also frees up a spot on my power strip if I do.

Voodoo Labs Sparkle Drive: adds... sparkle (duh), gives it that little bit of grit that I like

Boss PH-3: phaser, I don't set it to be very deep though. But when used with the other gain stages can make the bass chug very well ;) might take this out. Cutting down my board...

Boss OD-3: prefer this to the ODB-3... more natural, even response and smoother gain structure. No buzzsaw-like OD when you keep the tone knob below 12o'clock for bass. But I'm selling this and getting myself a Randolfed Keeleyfied Boss BD-2. More news as that comes!

Sansamp Bass Driver DI: Overall EQ/additional grit section. Helps to restore some of the lows that the OD-3 can take away, very good at what it does but I'm swapping it out for an Aguilar DB924 outboard preamp when I get a replacement bass in.

Line 6 Echo Park: Add the chugga+phaser to this and you get a very big sound! :)

Of course none of this matters if you're playing at Baybeats because it's almost as if the FOH engineer had a low-pass filter just after the C; everything else didn't seem as huge. Oh well :/
Eh.. smaller a bit la... 900pixels or something. Damn big pic :x

How is that SB7? I've been looking for a fuzzy synth sound (not a funky filter effect!) but I haven't found it yet. Haven't found a filter I've liked either :/
DI/preamp: Sansamp Bass Driver and BBE DI-100x.

Efx: Zvex Woolly Mammoth and MXR Phase 90.

I usually use the Bass Driver together with my P bass, and also J basses in rock gigs. I favor the BBE with my mellow MIJ Jazz. All in all, the sansamp to me is more useful, while the BBE is a more of a 'tone fetish'.

I bought the Woolly Mammoth from a good friend on a whim when i was doing 'Hysteria' by Muse, at one point of time quite frequently. I never came close to the sound Chris Wolstenholme got with his Akai Deep Impact and other pedals, but it was a pretty good sound on its own. Tonnes of bottom, headroom, and 3000hrs of battery life for a sleepyhead like me.

MXR phase 90 is for fun really. But i think i could use it here and there for melodies and weird parts, or even solos if the time calls for it.[/u]
Eh... cannot talk about Akai pedals... mad GAS for them sia. been looking for Deep Impact and Unibass but no luck :(
Do you make your own pedal boards? If so how do you make them and what kind of case do you use to cover them and carry them around?

For BOSS pedals they said they have to use only the BOSS adaptors sold. Is there other adaptors that i can use?
Get a 1spot + daisy chain. I got my board from a friend, you can try getting one from mrmisse if he has any in stock. There's nothing stopping you from going to Ikea though :)
superkicky said:
Eh... cannot talk about Akai pedals... mad GAS for them sia. been looking for Deep Impact and Unibass but no luck :(

Haha...Sorry bro...Will try to resize once I get someone who know photoshop...

The SB7 has the tone and sound effects I wanted but it will sound totally different on different amps. Everytime I gig I will need to readjust the frequency to get back the sound I want.
jimz said:
superkicky said:
Eh... cannot talk about Akai pedals... mad GAS for them sia. been looking for Deep Impact and Unibass but no luck :(

The SB7 has the tone and sound effects I wanted but it will sound totally different on different amps. Everytime I gig I will need to readjust the frequency to get back the sound I want.

heyy i used to have the same problem when using effects that modify the high mid-range... quite troublesome =( oh and 8) cool, i got a TS9DX set on turbo mode for a nice gain of the lows! gives some growl when i need it too
I'm using the following

Bass -> Korg DT-10 -> Aphex Punch Factory -> Boss AW-3 Dynamix Wah -> Boss CEB-2 Bass Chorus (MIJ) -> Aphex Bass Xciter

Will be putting in a Digitech Digidelay for ambience or atmospheric sounds and perhaps a nice distortion once I can find it
Mine's like this:

bass > Korg DT-10 > Digitech Bass Synth Wah > Digitech Bass Driver > Boss CEB-3 Bass Chorus > amp

am currently looking at compression or limiter/enhancer pedals and some sort of reverb/delay...any suggestions?
Has anyone tried EBS pedals before? Saw them on the Grooving For Heaven video series by Norm Stockton ... they sound amazing ...

SUPERKICKY: hur hur .. maybe i'll really drop down to ikea to do it one day ...

Other pedals to ask SOFTies whether they have tried .. : ASHDOWN, SNARLING DOGS, DANELECTRO .. do post your reviews and how they sound on your bass and through the amp.
Prataz said:
I'm using the following

Bass -> Korg DT-10 -> Aphex Punch Factory -> Boss AW-3 Dynamix Wah -> Boss CEB-2 Bass Chorus (MIJ) -> Aphex Bass Xciter

Will be putting in a Digitech Digidelay for ambience or atmospheric sounds and perhaps a nice distortion once I can find it

Hey Bro, where did you get you Aphex Punch Factory from? I looking for one also.
yourgrandpa said:
Mine's like this:

bass > Korg DT-10 > Digitech Bass Synth Wah > Digitech Bass Driver > Boss CEB-3 Bass Chorus > amp

am currently looking at compression or limiter/enhancer pedals and some sort of reverb/delay...any suggestions?

I think Aphex Punch Factory is great. As for delay, I uses Digitech Digidelay although it sounded quite muddy esp at the lower frequencies when it just plain delay but it work great when mixed with my Ibanez SB7 and Boss BF-3. It has the atmospheric or spacey sound and very 'Shoegazer/Post-Rock' feel.
Agreed ... i was out trying Aphex stuff at Yamaha the other day ... i heard the Bass Xciter in action before and it was amazing ...
oh okay thanks, I'll keep that in mind...

anyone have any thoughts on the Line 6 Verbzilla? I tried it out today and it seems quite nice...
superkicky said:
Eh.. smaller a bit la... 900pixels or something. Damn big pic :x

How is that SB7? I've been looking for a fuzzy synth sound (not a funky filter effect!) but I haven't found it yet. Haven't found a filter I've liked either :/

have you tried the Digitech Bass Synth Wah? it's got some cool sounds but I'm not sure if they're what you're looking for...

as for filters, my fave so far has been the Guyatone Bottom Wah Rocker I 'borrowed' from a friend for a coupla weeks last year...unfortunately he found out and took it back, haha...haven't seen anywhere here selling it though...
I got both my bass Xciter and Punch Factory from my frd when he's at the states for exchange.

If you have any pals going over to USA for a study trip, please get them to buy stuff for u.

Some pedals are like 1/2 price over there =)