The Bass Player's Accessories


New member

Let's admit it, without our handy accessories we won't be able to do really much, stuff like tuners, cables, string cleaners, guitar polish and straps ...

so what accessories are your mainstay or what is usually found in your gig bag when you go around?

I'm a big fan of D'addario circuit breakers ... i think they really help alot if you do not want to make noise, they are relatively clean but somehow i think Monster cables does a better job than them ... i'm still using them though ...

Actually the Ibanez cables are pretty good .. the higher grade series with gold-tip ... clean sounding ... somehow i think they are filtering off my highs a tad ...

I use Jim Dunlop String Cleaner ... they won over the GHS fast fret i was using previously due to the effect it had on my strings ...

Planet Waves bass guitar strap, so far it's the most comfortable i've used ... evens out the weight, especially on my heavy Yammie ... i'm thinking of comfort strapps soon though ...
Need new straps man. My back is breaking from lugging around my Fender Precision. Any good , large leather straps you guys wanna recommend?

EDIT: Hartke Bass Attack, Boss LM-2B, Cables, Tuner, Pick ( even though i dont use it, it's for my very very absent-minded guitarists ), Funky Specs ( those big big, aviator type of sunglasses. I don't know why but when i wear it, it gives me the illusion of me being a groove-master. Mind the usage of illusion. Haha! )

Need to carry a spare set of strings around. I haven't got a bass string to snap on me, but hell I sure wish it won't happen on a gig.
Cables cables cables... Ordered a couple of extra Horizon cables from RMC Audio as backups to my Canare/Neutriks, and always at least 3 extra patch cables in the bag.

Extra set of DR Hi-Beams or Lo-Riders, a 3-inch leather strap I bought at Rudy's Music in NYC, Korg GA-30, a small packet of Dunlop Jazz I picks, 3 9v batteries at all times (2 for my Aguilar pre, 1 for other emergencies), a Roadie Rench and a very handy fancy magnetic screwdriver with 2x Phillips and 2x flat heads inside.

Just curious Exin- what was better about the Dunlop string cleaner? I actually switched the other way.
hm ...

i find that it works better on my strings .. in terms of making it sound newer when you apply it .. but i always felt the effect was very short lived ..

the ghs coats it only .. never really noticed a humongous effect on the strings .. hahah .. but one thing good about the GHS fast fret is that it doesn't spill .. the jim dunlop one if you overdo it .. hur hur hur ..

happy cleaning .
clorrect. the jim dunlop ones clean better. works best if u squeeze out some on a cloth and wipe the WHOLE string with it. then wuipe the excess off.

though i just carry fast frets ard for gigs/jams. easier that way. thorough cleaning happens at home.

anyway havent got to the habit of spare batts yet. i should though. ince now my warwick is active!

and i'm a very happy owner of chern's RDM custom cables. =DDD

i know alot of guys use quartz tuners ..e .g. those normal ones that you use to tune your guitar and bass ...

anyone using Intelli tuners? the ones that clip on your headstock and tune by vibration through the body?

which do you guys prefer?
I'm using one of those intelli tuners... Sometimes it's not very responsive if you don't clip it at the "optimum" spot... especially when your battery's not very powerful... But the beauty of it is, it's not affected by surrounding sound. So as long as you know where the better spots for clipping on is and batteries are changed regularly, they're perfect.
I also use the intelli touch. It's less responsive with basses than guitars because of its low frequencies. I can never get a reading with open strings so the only way to tune my bass is to play the harmonics on the 12th fret.

Though surrounding noise will not affect the tuner, vibrations from drums and amps will drive the tuner crazy through the ground you stand on especially wooden floors.

Convenient clip-on but can be frustrating if you need to tune on the fly. Not recommended for basses.
hmm, i'd have to agree totally with Jude... i've had the same problems with the intelli tuner... it's rendered useless on loud stages.

pedal tuner is the best la plus there's the silent tuning/mute option if need be.

a big necessity (besides what most of you have already mentioned) for my bass rig is my jim dunlop polish cloth to wipe down the strings after i play. i've got sweaty palms and it doesn't help the feel of the string with all my perspiration lingering on the strings.
yeah .. i had a few friends who had intelli tuners that went crazy .. have you seen the Korg "intelli tuner" lookalike ...

i thought that was pretty effective, it's small BUT expensive ...

they said it's designed for acoustic instruments but i tried it with my bass and it works ...

tuning wise i just use the tuner on my pod.

if i bring single efx, i'll just have extra patch cables... pretty handy.

i use an Ibanez DT-10 for tuning. $20 at the swee lee sale. it's average, but does the job.

play with Planet Waves strap and Ernie Ball strap for both my basses.

RDM cables (thanks cherns)

misse patch cables

I always carry 3 9V batts with me as well. (mainly for my BB1500A)

Jim Dunlop Totex Picks (purples) they're nice and fat which makes holding them a joy because they don't flip out of your hands.

Jim Dunlop Pick holder.. so its easier for access. i switch between picks and fingerstyle quite frequently.
cools ...

speaking about 9V .. i carry 3 of them around too .. hahaha ..

one for my bass .. one for my chorus pedal .. and an extra one just in case i forgot which one i used before ... =P ..