The "Bands You've Probably Never Heard Of" Thread.

Band Name: chihei hatakeyama
Genre: post-ambient experimental music ( orly? )
Country of Origin: nippon

Reccomended Listening: only one album minima moralia

What I Like About The dude: it's very contemplatively relaxing.
Band Name: death from above 1979
Genre: synth rock punk
Country of Origin: canadia
Reccomended Listening: only one album = you're a woman i'm a machine

What I Like About The dudes: it's catchy and zero emo.
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band name:Q5
country:seattle usa
reccomended song:steel the light
genre:hard rock/metal
reccomended albums:if urr into heave stuff go for the steel the light lp,hard rockers
can go for when the mirror cracks(their only albums sadly)
why this band rocks
floyd rose formed this band in fact it sounded very much like european bands and were the few bands that could really do twin guitar attacks sadly bad judgements clouded them and soon they broke up seriouls guys google the band.awesome part of the band is still activating as nightshade

Band Name: Änglagård
Country Of Origin: Sweden
Genre: Progressive Rock
Reccomended Listening (Song titles): Jordrok, Hostsejd, Skogsranden
What I Like About The Band: Their unique sound
Any Other Stuff You Wanna Add: They only released 2 albums, but are regarded as one of the best(if not the best) prog-rock band from sweden

find out more here: (unofficial site)
Band: Rilo Kiley
Genre: Indie Rock
Rec. Listening: Dreamworld, Moneymaker, Dejalo, Silver Lining, The Frug
What I Like About Them: Relaxed, chill-by-the-pool kind of music. Smart lyrics too.

Band: The Pigeon Detectives
Genre: Indie Post-punk
Rec. Listening: Romantic Type, Stop or Go, I'm Not Sorry
What I Like About Them: Sometimes, you just need a few upbeat songs in your life. And they deliver.

I'll post more when I get to office tomorrow! :D

Band Name: Asobi Seksu (Guess what this means in English...?)

Genre: Psychadelic/Shoegazer

Country of Origin: Brooklyn, NYC, USA

Reccomended Listening: Citrus (entire album)

What I Like About The Band: Awesomely soothing songs that serve as the soundtrack to your life; conjuring up images of everything from your first love to sundays in the park watching the world walk by. Their vocalist (Yuki Chikudate) is pretty hot too, in a Japanese-pop-singer sort of way =p.
Band: Pantokrator
Genre: Progressive / death metal
Origin: Sweden
Recommended listens: Everything!

One of the great death metal bands around, just that they're way underrated and few people know about them... Talk about obscure. But if ever possible, try out their album Aurum. I wouldn't call their music death metal because its a mix of a lot of metal genres, but I'd call it extreme metal.

Check out their myspace:
Band: Crimson Moonlight
Genre: Symphonic black metal
Origin: Sweden
Recommended listens: Everything! Particularly the stuff on their myspace.

Crimson Moonlight's an obscure band too... Few know about it but they do have a loyal following in Sweden. Its part technical black metal, part symphonic black metal with a little death metal influence. But seriously one of the best black metal bands I've ever heard, and trust me, I know a lot of black metal bands.

Check it out at