Yeah, actually I wanted to do that in the 1st-place, but because this Project will be part of something that we can all do/discuss Physically in this comming 12th I have intentionally put it up here....It's now Move to a New Thread
PS:- It's a Good idea - Let's Do It At The Xchange next Week ---- Cheers ! - AND..Here's the Link to The New Thread - - -
How To Make Your Own S$3.00 Hot Rod/Flap Sticks$3-00-hot-rod-flap-sticks.html
Drummers Comming for The 12th DXS Meetup
(1) Plainsman
(2) Soft
(3) RudimentalDrummer
(4) Frummer
(5) Sheylara
(6) MysticRain
(7) caijunlong (I got to leave at around 3+ or 4. Will bring a friend along
(8 ) Jit Seng
(9) Nazreen
(10) Myner
(11) mel80
(12) marcdadrummer
(13) drummeright (will bring friends along -)
(14) jeepers (will definitely be leaving early, got worship practice)
(15) spinnin
(16) LordNagrath
(17) DT (gone by 1500hrs, work comes first... anyway, wats the theme?)
(18 ) Jono
(19) StarvingArtist
(20) Xeno
(21) Blissucide
(22) justaphase - Emma
(23) Fu Man
(24) Pakrash
(25) Gary (If he can Make it)
(26) Reuben (leaving early as well... )
(27) Kanzer.
(2 Zen (our Malaysian Bro in Singapore now)
(29) Underaged
(30) jullian_bei (come to watch and enjoy free music and friend...)
(31) continue from here.....