Tennis fans?


New member
Hey guys, i know that i'm known as a Liverpool fan in this part of the forum but i am also a hardcore tennis fan. Anyone here like me, who watches and plays (soccer occasionally) both sports?

I'm a big fan of Novak Djokovic and Roger Federer, i love both their playing styles (all courters FTW!) and the way they move (excellent footwork). The players i idolise (and try to copy) for my strokes are:

Forehand: Federer, who else? Amazing power, accuracy, fluidity and visual appeal. I think i've copied just about everything from the Eastern forehand grip to the takeback, except the extreme windshield wiper finish.

Backhand: Tommy Haas. Oft said to have the best 1-handed backhand on the ATP tour, this guy can really rip it! Powerful, accurate, consistent. Consistency's generally hard to come by for most players using a 1-handed backhand, hence i consider this to be the best attribute of his 1-handed backhand.

Forehand volley: Tim Henman. This guy retired a while back but i consider him to have 1 of the best forehand volleys on tour. Somehow he always got into position to return the ball, even if it was hit with copious amounts of power (ala Gonzalez) or topspin (ala Nadal) Accuracy was unmatched, he was always able to get it deep and out of the opponent's reach.

Backhand volley: Michael Llodra. Michael WHO? This guy's a left handed Frenchman who loves to come to the net. Talented, but in this generation of baseline bashers, serve and volleyers have become an endangered species due to a much higher percentage of 'pass' passing shots (pardon the pun). Still, this guy's backhand volley is absolutely amazing, from the execution to the effect.

Serve: Federer again. What can i say? This guy has just about everything. His service motion looks so simple and fluid and when he serves, you almost expect fireworks. The master. Other service motions i like: Gael Monfils and Nikolay Davydenko. I'm actually modelling Davydenko's service motion now because he's about my height, Also, its much easier than Federer's. The coordination required for Federer's motion is astronomical.

Whew, that was a long post. I may have described the aforementioned players strokes in some detail but i am many lifetimes away from ever hoping to emulate them. Something like comparing my fingers to Steve Vai's fingers. As you can see, i'm as much a tennis nerd as a guitar and Liverpool nerd. Hope to find some like-minded people here. Cheerz y'all.

Disclaimer: If you don't understand what i'm saying, i'm sorry. Tennis has this habit of getting me excited. Like seeing a Suhr modern custom in a shop and having an extra 4k in my pocket at the same time.
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Same here dude, I love LFC, and I play tennis occasionally too!
My favourite player has to be Rafael Nadal. YNWA. :)
Mine's Ivan Lendl, Mats Wilander & Nadal for the men.

Sabatini, Chris Evert for the women

& Navratilova for the in-betweens.
I took up tennis as a CCA in secondary school. Favourite player is Justine Henin Hardenne. Other favourite players include Rafael Nadal, Andy Roddick, Roger Federrer, Andre Agassi and Novak Djokovic : )
Hmmmmm i never really liked Nadal because i felt he abused topspin, i mean look at the loop he gets on his forehand side. MADNESS. I'm a purist, i like playing tennis the old way, where flat shots are the order of the day. Although i cannot deny that topspin comes in extremely useful in many situations. As for the women's, i think its Justine Henin. Btw kerplunk its no longer Hardenne at the back of her maiden name, she's divorced already.
Haha. Most people have. I guess it's because she was at her peak at that time and so people remembered her by that name. Once she 'retired', no one actually bothered to remember she's divorced.
HAHAHA MARAT! Yeah he's the only guy i know who broke tennis rackets like a karate specialist. His best one was when he broke a racket with his knee! I ROFL-ed at that 1 for like 20mins. Too bad he decided to retire, he'll always be remembered as the fiery one who never fulfilled his potential.
ya man, he really had the potential to be number 1. well he was for awhile, but slowly he withered out, and he's a joy to watch, i already miss him
Yeah. His temper always made for an interesting match. His talent was obvious, but tennis is as much a mental game as a physical game. A lot of players have the physical skill, but the mental strength is something that's hard to come by. That's what seperated Federer, Agassi, Sampras from the rest. Another guy on tour now who's similar to Safin is Gael Monfils. This guy is really super talented, his on the run crosscourt backhand is simply amazing. There was this match where he was playing Mikhail Youzhny, another one of my personal fav players for the 1 handed backhand, and he hit a seemingly unreturnable shot into the right corner. Monfils chased the damn ball down all the way from the left side of the court and somehow smacked the aforementioned shot past a stunned Youzhny. Too bad he too lacks the mental strength and consistency to fulfil his potential. Luckily for him, he's still young. He has at least 2 more years to find that spark.
i've pretty much stopped following tennis after safin left, and thanks for the heads up, i'll check that dude out.

that aside, that 2005 australian open win seemed like yesterday.

i am gay and i miss safin.
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