TC Electronic Polytune or Korg Pitchblack Poly


New member
Hi guys, I want to buy a new tuner pedal. Which one is a better tuner pedal? TC Electronic Polytune or the new Korg Pitchblack Poly?
Polytune cost a little more with the extra tuning feature.
Pitchblack is quite cheap.
Both are great and accurate tuners.
Your call.
I've heard that the Pitchblack Poly has some issues with switching between poly and standard tuning modes independently. I'll still stick with my current Pitchblack if it's all the same.
TGP I think.

In any case, while a polyphonic tuner is great for quick in-between-songs tuning during live shows, I'm sure your standard chromatic tuner is much more accurate for setting intonation and studio work. The only thing that makes me consider getting the Pitchblack Poly is that they seemed to have improved the LED display to function better under bright outdoor conditions.
I was under the impression that the pitchblack poly could function in both modes so could still be used for setting intonation, etc, like a normal tuner. Well the best thing to do is to try before buy I guess.
It does, thanks to its "string seeker" feature. But the accuracy of the poly tuning is not as accurate as the standard needle mode of tuning, which is listed at +/- 1 cent. The poly mode is more towards 1.5 cent accuracy IIRC.
oh well, most tuners on the market claim to have an accuracy of +/- 1 to 3 cents. If you can tell the difference, good for you. I'd say both are pretty good tuners. Although the tc electronics claims to have an accuracy of +/- 0.5 cents while the korg is +/- 1 cent, I usually take these specs with a grain a salt.
Lol I can't, but apparently one of the gearheads on TGP ran it through some studio equipment and that was the conclusion. I'll stick with my current Pitchblack for now, but if I ever find myself in need of a new tuner, I just might give the Pitchblack Poly a whirl.
I'm thinking about getting a new tuner cos my DT-10 is a getting a bit big for my pedal board so was considering the pitchblack but the poly version came out so considering that.. if i wanted to spend a bit more money i'd get the polytune mini :p .. decisions decisions haha
If you want the best tuner on the market, it's probably this one:

Sonic Research Turbo Tuner

There was a bleed-thru when I had it lol. Excellent tracking but I hated the fact that I could HEAR myself tuning via the amp.

The only thing that makes me consider getting the Pitchblack Poly is that they seemed to have improved the LED display to function better under bright outdoor conditions.

If I'm not wrong the Polytune intelligently changes the LED intensity according to the lighting, thus making your daytime outdoor tuning a possible scenario.
If I'm not wrong the Polytune intelligently changes the LED intensity according to the lighting, thus making your daytime outdoor tuning a possible scenario.

Does it? If so that would be insanely cool. I thought the automatic sensing was in its String Seeker function where it could switch between polyphonic and monophonic modes.
Bought the Pitchblack poly recently and cos of space constraint on my board, i had to switch to the TC Polytune Mini. My personal opinion is the Polytune is a tad more accurate esp when u wanna tune all strings at one go. Tuning string by string is pretty much the same but when u strum all strings and try to tune from there i felt the polytune is more accurate. My pitchblack seems to fluctuate up and down a tad when i try all strings at one go making me confused sometimes..

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