
my friend has about 4 tattoos on his body.
then i asked him about having tattoos, cost etc etc
he gave me the expression which tells me not to do it.


better think twice before you do it.
you may be hype about it now as it is fresh. but after you have it for a few years you might think it isnt interesting any further.

just like piercing, pierce and pierce at the initial stage,
after 2 years, sian liao.
don't even feel like wearing it. same thing applies. Think again. once it's on, it just cant go off :)
gordonzz said:
u wanna tattoo which part of u ? :P

the first one i'm going to get is at my right arm. the second will be at my left arm.

hmm... i've been thinking about all aspects of problems can arise after you get a tattoo. gang related stuff, regrets, image blah blah.. everything.. i guess it's up to personal preference. for me, as what i say before. i'm more of a western thinking guy. so it's quite normal for me to neutralise all those thoughts. i'm really keen of getting one but i don't know where to start and i'm still saving up so experienced people, share your experience. shed some light for me!