Take Off - Record Release


New member
SLED Productions x Decline



"This Won't Save The World"

A Record Release Show

8th April 2017

Once in a generation, a modest, unheralded show comes along that speaks from the heart to the deep concerns we all share about life. The show provides a beacon, a guide, a call-to-arms for all who listen. Approaching shows like this with an open heart and mind makes the world seem more miraculous, and all but the most casual listener cannot fail to be moved, changed or filled with a new determination to live life with a heightened consciousness.

This is not that show.

This is a record release party.

Together with our friends from SLED Productions x Decline, we are proud to present a labour of love, from our hearts to yours, along with our friends Circle Line Kid VIGIL bruised willies Fuckin A Glassmouth Faux Pas Ashruff Ruff Kissing the Angels Trophy Knives (Vinesh Muniandy) and Zombies feat. The Misfit Ramones, who'll be tearing it up on stage with us.

3pm - late

$10 at the door (with goodies)

FREE FOOD AND (soft) DRINKS by our friends from Decline, and we'll be selling MERCH, BEER and OURSELVES (hee).

bruised willies

Circle Line Kid

Faux Pas



Ashruff Ruff
(formerly of Attention! The New Portsdown (ATNP), co-founder of Portsdown Records)

Zombies feat. The Misfit Ramones

Kissing the Angels

Trophy Knives


!See all of you on the 8th of April - it's gonna be brilliant!

Kid Friendly


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