Tabla - Through Vista


New member
Dear All,

In this video, I wanted to share the DhineNanaGegeTak composition with others.
This composition is a Laggi (a fast style of playing, similar to a rela), played in
Chaugun (a layakari of 4:1, i.e., quadruple time), and it is played in Kaherwa Taal
( a rhythmic cycle of 8 beats).

The laggi begins at 1:35 mins, and ends at 3:05.

I initially wanted to simply play the composition and record it, but then I felt that
non-tabla players would not, perhaps, have understood or enjoyed the video. Thus,
I composed a track and played the composition on it, so others get to listen to the
music, and the tabla.

I hope you enjoy the video.
