Dear friends,
By and by, it was definitely a great show. Really pleased to have such incredible performers lined up for this event, and with the pretty good turn out, it was pretty much a success.
The organisers would really like to thank everyone for the support that you gave for this event:
- Brother FGL of Retro Groove and Sister Dew from Antaerai for graciously putting up an opening performance at the last hour.
- Brothers (and sister) of Calypso for your energy and enthusiasm (not to mention the very GAS-able gears you use, heh).
- Brother Juno and Brother Ross from Convergence for your patience and bringing down the friends that you have.
- My fellow comrades of Rebel Posse Mayhem for rocking the hell out of our time in the spotlight.
Hopefully, this will a good stepping ground for what could potentially be a series of gigs of such nature, and perhaps an opportunity to work with everyone again.
Much thanks, much love and Rock and Roll Saluti!
(Rebel Posse Mayhem)