Sx guitars

Oh gosh! Please save that money to get a better SG copy from other brands.... Had too much bad experiences with SX. My SX Strat was a complete junk.......

Save a little bit more than purchase a better SG copy...

Maybe you can look at LTD Viper range or Epiphones?

An instrument is a lifetime investment choose wisely! Ultimately do go down to try all the guitars you want and find the one with the best sounding tone to you!
Oh.ok Just finished searching.Found out from YouTube that this brand called "Vintage guitars" are better then epiphone,although I have not tried it or ever seen it..
SX guitars have inconsistent qc.
My friend's SX SG copy plays fine.
But when i was trying another set at Davis,
it couldn't even stay in tune, right after you finish tuning the rest of the strings, the top few go way off
If you want a cheap guitar (<$300) with decent specs and QC, get a Craftsman. You can find the whole range at City Music. I don't know if they have an SG type model, but you can always ask first.
Try out the Rally and Swing guitars at svguitars.
I believe they have better qc than the SX although i tried a bad Rally once, many have got good reviews with it.

Swing is also underrated
better in terms of pricing maybe. sound? pretty much the same. I won't be surprised if they are from the same factory.

all these brands need a benchmark to market themselves. Imagine Westfield guitars claiming that they are better than any off the rack Gibson. now that, is a huge statement to make.

brand sells. period.
Sorry If i had sounded too diss-y about SX. I had a Lemon that pissed me off for year!

I own a Rally GL-300 modded with Tesla Opus1 and VR-Extreme and its an absolute beast!!!

It was said that Rally is a Korean Brand that owns the China Factory that used to make Epiphones and have their Korean Tech QC-ing the Guitars within the China Factory! So quality wise, it isn't very far off! Unlike SX which is a complete mess....

@newtothis you should go down to Peninsular and try walk into every stall and try all the guitars and have a feel and hear for the tone you really want than decide on which to get!
Oh..coz I'm kind of interested in sg probably I'm into SX because I saw it.Anyway, I have decided not to get SX,maybe vintage,westfield or Epiphone(probably not) or maybe those china made fakeszzz
can you do yourself a favour and try ALL the mentioned guitars so that you know which one you prefer best? How can make a decision just by going onto youtube?

imagine if we lived in the days before internet. how do we choose guitars? we sit and try them. that is the best way to tell whether what you are getting is good or not.

most if not all of them fall under the same price range. they would pretty much sound the same but take note of the amp that you are testing on because the amp is a core factor of determining how the guitar is going to sound.

please don't buy those china fakes. first they are going to be priced a little more expensive and an SX or Rally. 2nd, you'd have a hard time trying to sell it when you try to upgrade.

if you are going to tell me that another youtube fella said those china made fakes are the bomb, this is as far as I'm going to comment.