switching on tube amps with standby switch


New member
all ritey, this topic might have been discussed b4, but the search function aint doing me any good.

Like to know what is the proper way of switching on a tube amp??

1) power on 1st then standby switch on and play? OR
2) standby switch on 1st then power on and play??
and what about switching off??

what i did was the 1st method and halfway through, heard some cracking noise from back of amp.
check and all the tubes are still lighted. sound still comes on...

Power on, let it warm up for a couple of minutes, no need too long, then turn off the standby (or turn on, however you look at it....)

Switching off just reverse it. Put it on standby first (if for no other reason, at least you won't forget to put it on standby when you next turn it on) then power off. I've heard that there's no need to wait and let it "cool down" first or the wear is negligible compared to switching on.
Yup. I do it the 2nd way. Cos after I power down the standby switch will be on anw so I just leave it that way.
ok im getting a little confuse here...when my standby switch is in "on" position, then got sound.

So does it means that i leave the standby switch to off position and power up the amp. Leave it for awhile
then switch the standby switch to "on" ? or vice versa?
oh. so assuming that the standby on that means got sound. I leave my standby switch off when I power up cos when I power down the standby will be off anw so I just need to switch the power on. Like what you said in your 2nd sentence.
Ah, yeah if your standby=on then got sound, then leave it off first yes.

Power = underwear, standby = pants. Must put on underwear first before putting on pants. Reverse accordingly. Unless you are Mr Bean
ok so in my case, it should be..

1) standby switch in off position. power up the amp..wait.. then
2) flip standby switch to on position where got sound. then play..

and when off, i just off the power switch..standby switch leave it in on position..

haha ok almost turn into mr bean there....

1) standby switch in off position. power up the amp..wait.. then
2) flip standby switch to on position where got sound. then play..

and when off, i just off the power switch..standby switch leave it in on position..
No, put the standby to off, then turn off the power. So you don't accidentally turn on with the standby on. I will wait the few seconds until there's no sound before I turn the power off. Not sure if got right/wrong for this part.
I would do method 1. Anyway, that's the instruction from my amp builder's manual.

But never ever flick both standby and power switch simultaneously (method 3?). I don't know what will happen to the amp, but I bet it wouldn't be...erm...healthy?...haha! I once saw a guy did that at Swee Lee (Sims Drive) while testing a tube amp. Needless to say, he got "F" from one of the staff.
@guitarsan: Hah i'm not too sure if your a driver? but u wouldnt put ur key into ignition and engage your accelerator at the same time would you? =)

@ciki: When amp is powered down.. (by your definition) both power (DUH) and stand-by switch should be OFF.

To play, turn power switch ON..wait to see the tubes nice and glowie =D ... turn standby ON. then.. WOOWOO!

Had your fill on ur strings? turn standby OFF (I would recommend to wait a while, 2-3mins)... turn power OFF. Okay can slp alr...
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for switching off , i prefer to

off the power ,do this while still playing guitar, you will hear the amp getting more "distorted & volume gets softer till no sound", this will indicate that the caps are drained.
Then flip the standby switch so the next time you power up, the amp is already on standby.

I just like to drain the caps ... i always feel it is better for the amp, although i guess if you don't do that,
they will self drain subsequently.
ok thanks for all the advice..now i had another problem..my amp is 1 a 50 watter swithcable to 30watts.
past few days, i had been playing at 30watts. whenever i switch to 50 watts, there will be a "pok pok" sound coming from the back of the amp.

So just early on when i was playing, at 50watts, the "pok Pok" sound become louder and there was a loud "piak" sound..and the amp becomes silent even if i switch
it back to 30 watts. but all the tubes are still lighted. i believe its a case of blown tube, but how to check which tube is blown?

Or i shd just bring it back to where i bought it from? since its still under warranty??

Btw whenever i switch on the amp, there is a humming noise..its a 3 pin plug btw also..
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