Sweep/glideTone, Burn In Noise....


New member

The above product show an example of burn in/demagnetised tones.
I own one of cos, but there are many out there.
All the tone can be made by a synthesiser.
All these tone or noise will benefit equipment that went through it.

Sweep/Glide tone is used for demagnetise the chain of electronic.
It made up of 20-20khz sine wave tone and glide or sweep up and down for a period of time.
Normally I do it three time.
Also you could feel the resonance node of your room with glide note.
Some people will produce separate low,mid,high sweep/glide tone

Pink,White, Brown noise are to burn-in new equipment.
Take note white noise can damage tweeter speaker driver.
Normally. new equipment burn-in time is about 200 hour.
But all these noise, you will feel the effect after 24 hour.

Pulsating/hitting tone function the same as sweep/glide tone.
Can be done with any OSC with ring modulation(sometime with cut-off filter LFO).

These are things I know of to "wake up" your system.