Swee Lee sale


New member
hey people,
jus want to ask when does the swee lee mid-year sale usually start and if it goes on every half-yearly?

Usually twice a year or more. Depends. They'll usually announce the sale like a week before. They normally don't tell you if you ask them.
yups, i tried asking the people there a couple of times, and their answer was "we're not too sure..." but secretly, i've got a feeling they lied... hahaha
If u do a search in the SOFT forums here, u will see the dates of the previous sales and that will help u roughly gauge when the next sale is going to be :)
lol. another sweelee event to go. gonna get pedals and a good semi acoustic guitar for myself. ;)
AVRIA: was it you who said you saw a guy wearing iron maiden who wanted to buy a xiphos? if yes, we may meet again. heheh
haha so its almost confirm that there's a sale? cos i needa sell my guitar b4 then to get money to fund a new one.

so if i sell then there's no sale....i'll b dead
yea i rmb saying that. lol yea cya there if there's a sweelee sale again LOL. hmm thinking of a good semi acoustic. what to get.. hmm... -.- sorry for hijacking thread. lol;)
Avria: You on a budget? If so, I recommend the Cort Earth 70e. Around $300 and it really sounds pretty good for the money. The Corts there are really nice but I dislike the cheap-looking, plastic strap buttons they have... The Earth 70e also has a solid spruce top too I think.

Note the discount percentage might be different from store to store... I went at the sale a year back and the Bras Basah outlet was giving only at most 20% discount, and were clearing the display pieces they had. Furthermore, the prices didn't include bag, and you have to come on a separate day for setup. Don't know if it's always like that but that was my experience. Fortunately the guitar I bought didn't need a re-setup...
Yeah i tried some corts they're good.
i have a cort earth-72 for $150 after 50% discount from sweelee.
u got to slowly pick though..some of them have terrible setups and horribly rusty strings.
are the sales seriously 50% off on ALL items? so something that costs $4k will be $2k?

if so, i really should go check out the Sims Drive warehouse one day...
Swee Lee's website states $909.50 but the price is often lower at the shop.Would be better if you called them for a quote.
eh not really tight budget la. i was also looking into taylor / martin but lol their entry level are already at a mind boggling price.:( but will check them out before the sweelee sale then before that day camp out:D