Swee Lee End of Year sale

If its 2 weeks before Christmas then it should be this coming weekend...cause Swee Lee sales is only on weekends..... :?
im gonna check the papers 4 the whole of next week...wanna buy tones of stuff from the sale.. :D
so meaning this coming weekends gg hv their xmas sale?? I'm so excited~! Finally can get my 1st ever guitar! :lol:
lets see whether the EOY sale can beat the 50% sale they had earlier this year.. who knows maybe 70% this time :D
Man that would be awesome! 70% off......I bet if it's really 70%, everyone would be camping outside their store a day before the sale itself!
manx! So this weekend cfm there's swee lee sale at their warehse huh :?:
i wanna get a guitar soon to practice.... :)
juz went to swee lee bras basah, hey i muz really gif a THUMBS UP to the gal who served us earlier on. Well, finally got my 1st guitar over there, after 1hr plus of feeling n testing, the gal was very patient with our indecisiveness n tries her very best to recom one qithin our budget. But in the end, both me n my fren got the package posted on their website. It was a pleasant trip there. Oh ya, they are having 20% off on most of their stuffs there now, except those nett items la..keke can go down hv a look first b4 decide, they are nice ppl..keke juz like talking with frenz~! :p

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