survey: the emerging bands in singapore

emerging band in singapore

  • ugly in the morning

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ronin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3 dash 1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • others..pls specify

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New member
hey..juz doin a little survey here..who do u think are the emerging bands in singapore?? i think its gonna be ugly in the mornin..wat do u guys think?? hollar back
i think bands like ugly in the morning, Ronin and B qurtet, are bands that have already there....they have way pass the points of emerging...they are there...bands that are fairly new, young and lately been making it big can be called as emering bands... like 3 dash 1...whoooohooo respect em....<<its all abt the "bang" on stage>>
i can bands can be considered 'there' when at least a few ppl in the general public say they've heard of the band and their music.
Re: ...

rottenramone said:
there's plenty big difference between ability and hype.

of course there is, but context please. the marketing bulk of local audience(and media) makes no distinction. since the topic was in the context of singapore, hence my statement. u could be a good musician and not be duly recognised for your talent. someone else with a prettier/more handsome face would most probably pip u to it.

of course, at the end of the day, we could also very well be talking about different standards of 'emerging'. however, to me(and i'm not imposing my opinion on anyone else) what use would it be, as musicians/bands trying to make a name for themselves, if constantly the only ppl who know of you or/and your band are our own circle of friends and fellow musicians in the circuit?

i would personally consider a band such as electrico an emerging band.

just my 2 cents. :)
funkoveture said:
i think bands like ugly in the morning, Ronin and B qurtet, are bands that have already there....they have way pass the points of emerging...they are there...bands that are fairly new, young and lately been making it big can be called as emering bands... like 3 dash 1...whoooohooo respect em....<<its all abt the "bang" on stage>>

yea bands lyk b-quartet,ugli in d morning r alreadi makin it big.i tink 3dash1 is d emerging band.hope dey get our support n dey gonna perform @ d carnivals at heartlands at yishun on 9 august!du check dem out.
Poor and baised survey. I wouldnt clasify ronin and ugly in the morning as emerging bands. they have set a name for themselves in the general public already. they are many other young talented bands waitin for their chances. so go check them out.

unfortunately the local audience(and media) makes no distinction. hence my statement. u could be a good musician and not be duly recognised for your talent. someone else with a prettier/more handsome face would most probably pip u to it.

yes i know, but my point was: do these great musicians we're talking about push their own hype?

if a tree falls and there's no one around, does it make a sound?
they can try, but i would think that their level of success could only reach a very modest level.
rottenramone, your replies are FAST! i was editing my posts above as u were entering your immediate replies for each.

to each his own. we have been talking in very different contexts here. if ronin's well-known to u, then just let me say that we have been talking about whole different levels altogether, along the lines of taufik batisah, stefanie sun etc.

by the way, if u'd like to pick up on something i said, i think it's only courtesy and forum etiquette to keep to my context instead, and to clarify if in doubt. but that wouldn't have been possible since u were quite quick to hit the reply button. almost like snapping. kindly review. we can continue over pm if u wish.

anyways threadstarter, wouldnt it be better to track the band's history to see how they got started and the word got spread around? that way, like iansoh said, would take context into consideration. think that would be a better approach.....
Re: Hmm

AgingYouth said:
Google is just a click away...

I hope this is the last time anyone has to say that

No wait. I KNOW this wont be the last time someone needs to say that lol.

This forum is a very useful portal. but its not like auto-gear for aspiring musicians! When the internet revolution begun. it was 20 times harder to search for chords ah, scales ah, and music stuff in general. Now that you guys have it easy, do some work la!

Back to topic :p I think this is a silly thread. Get out there, watch some gigs and see for yourself. Talk is cheap. No wait, Talk is Free - Silencer.

ATTENTION KIN HO, dont forget tomorrow ah! :)

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