Super Band - LUCIFY

Actually there are 2 guitarist working at Yamaha. The one working at Plaza Sing one is Misaki...The other one is at Tampines Mall...The band with no bassist is Mi Lu Bing.
Phil said:
You know Sly said that he used to be with Lucify.
He said it when the hosts spotted and interviewd him at one of the Superband performances.

He is not a member of Lucify just that they hang out together and plays J-Rock stuffs...Sly ex-band L'ze.fier(defunct) was close friends to GeneXis and Mayfair which is the now Lucify.
Rollercoaster said:
"Rollercoasterwell you're slightly wrong here... while it is true that image is an important aspect of a visual kei band, lucify is a pretty talented band... you jus have to look beyond their get-ups and stuff...

Unfortunately, I have to judge their ability to play solely on a few performances on TV. Based on my judgement on those few performances, I realised the band's guitar player has a tone that has too much gain, resulting in excessive saturation in a combination with the drummer's sloppy feel of tempo, adding to the band's overall sloppy performance and the pitchless vocal trying to shout on top of the band's undesirable sound. Look beyond their visual kei image and you have to admit these group of boys has nothing to offer musically.

come on la, they re still young la, of cause got a lot of things to learn,u talk like u so pro, upload a video of your band leh... zzzz
Rollercoaster said:
I have to add that I'm not against any visual kei bands. I had watched a X Japan live concert and I tought they're pretty cool. It's jus that Lucify look nothing like any visual kei bands I know of. They look more like a group of current stereotype Taiwanese rappers trying to act and play rock than any typical Japanese visual kei bands.

they do have a tinge of alice nine flavour, btw you know who is alice nine a not .... zzzzz
jimz said:
Phil said:
You know Sly said that he used to be with Lucify.
He said it when the hosts spotted and interviewd him at one of the Superband performances.

He is not a member of Lucify just that they hang out together and plays J-Rock stuffs...Sly ex-band L'ze.fier(defunct) was close friends to GeneXis and Mayfair which is the now Lucify.

Dont you mean GeneXis + Elysium?