Suicide attempt at Bedok South.

if she was somebody you knew, would you guys have reacted with such indifference and satire?

+1. She had a problem. It might seem insignificant to us, but if it's enough for her to go to that extent to even attempt it, then it's no longer insignificant.

Btw, suicide attempts are more common than you think. High chance that someone you know have attempted it at least once, even though on the surface he or she might seem fine.
ok,to keep this thread from becoming an argumentative ones. who has contemplate or attempt suicide as an alternative solution to problems in life at least once? come on,be honest to your fellow softies, and tell the problems
Suicide is the the most selfish thing anyone could ever do. If she thinks that suicide puts her out of her misery, has she ever thought the additional burden that she will put upon her family as a result of her suicide?

I heard this from a friend that works in the police department. Out of 100 calls they get daily, less than a handful get published.
the reason why people see suicide as a solution to their problems is because, they are under heavy distress which impair their cognitions and logic. i.e The person is unable to assess the situation accurately to see that there are other solutions. Thats why its important to get rid of the immediate distress when dealing with suicidal people.

Its not so much of a selfish behavior, its more like a illness which can affect everyone weak or strong.

Contrary to popular belief, people who are at the bottom of the of their depression are somewhat unlikely to commit suicide, they lack the energy and courage to do so. However , people who are on the who RECOVERY stage or in the manic stage of their mood are MOST likely gonna commit suicide,
People "attempting suicide" and end up not dying, is just plain drama. If the person really wants to commit suicide, why don't just end it right there and not wait for the SCDF to come?

Its just for sympathy, dramatic stuff.

Even the SCDF knows. If you would see the whole drama/scene, the SCDF officers would go up with a harness, and then try to stop the suicid-er. They do it rough-ly and harsh-ly(?) because they know this is all for drama purposes and they don't give a big poop about the person they are just doing their job, so don't try to create drama here.
Big Deal, people been trying to end their misery ever since the word "suicide" was invented.

She should be born in the middle east.

LOL, not only are you a moron, you're also racist.
You should be the one killing yourself, or at least just not have children, yea thanks.
ok,to keep this thread from becoming an argumentative ones. who has contemplate or attempt suicide as an alternative solution to problems in life at least once? come on,be honest to your fellow softies, and tell the problems

I've attempted suicide twice. No need to tell the problems because those are too personal. Fortunately there've been people around to talk me out of it.
Keep it coming, how about others? be honest with your softies, everyone has been depressed before i am sure. Just different degree.
STOMP... Which reminds me of the commotion at the hawker centre near my house just now. Lady went mad and started throwing ice around, hitting the table, throwing stuff at the two men sitting with her, and etc. Really crazy. But these kinda things always happen so I doubt anyone will be surprised...

There was a suicide case at Kovan quite a long time back. I happened to walk by and see the bodybag, cops and some other people. At least I think it's suicide (could also be murder, who knows?) and it never hit the news... I think it's good that it remains under wraps, in my opinion. Perhaps they could release statistics but certainly not the names of the people and places. Why cause the family of the deceased more stress than they already have?
haha, maybe like peter petrelli. thought she know how to fly. but Suicide is a big thing especially with the swine flu and the great recession.
My bet is only suicide attempts which is longer than 6 hours will make it to the media, and those which are fatal suicides, others, will be more of a joke if reported regularly by media.