suggestions for recording drumset?


New member

I have with me an iPod touch with a 8-track multi channel recorder app, and i'm recording with my band really soon.

The recording for the guitars and bass are already sorted out, but I don't know how to record with the iPod when recording the drums.

Meaning, how should I do it? put the iPod in front of the kit? (bass drum overload) or behind the kit? (snare and tom overload, plus it'll be able to pick up me moving.)

Suggestions, anyone?

cheers. :)
i don't know the sensitivity of your ipod, but this is what i'm going to roughly estimate via gut feeling - put on a high chair / table. at the height of the rim of the right tom, place it about 2-3 metres away (increase this distance if drums still distort volume). and because it's facing the "rim of the right tom", tilt it more towards facing the left tom's rim.

let me know the results.
ok if your ipod is as sensitive as the iphone, you may have to put up to like 4/5 metres (end of the room). notice how 1) the drumset is small 2) he's using brush sticks 3) even tries to reduce further with cloth 4) surround pillow treatment.
to record a real drumset with real sticks.