maybe we should sticky this thread topic too
when someone asks of how we could make the forum better, we can tell to do a search on FAQs or stuff thats been discussed before about how to help noobies.
Methinks, sometimes the questions are valid, no matter how noobish they may be.
For instance, A guy asks which pedal/guitar to get for blah blah in 2006, everyone will recommend their opinions based on whats at hand till that point of time, but 2007, new stuff may have come out by then, and there will be different opinions then based on previous recommendations.
answers will evolve and i agree with kenneth, you can always choose to ignore.
(I know that the above is a one dimensional example
I noticed that in other music forums elsewhere that has been around longer than this, there is a greater level of tolerance for noobies, no matter how repetitive their questions are.
even when they do tell them to do a search, it is recommended in an encouraging way...without contempt...Bear in mind that these overseas forums are visited by people from different parts of the world with different timezones etc, Not everyone can follow the postings daily...Also , you get to see a different version of the similiar topic every 2 days spouting up, I think its great to be able to see different opinions on different days about the same thing.
My suggestion is just make friends with everyone on this forum and encourage the noobies nicely.I have answered questions before many a times whenever I see everyone diss a poor joe, chill lah, be patient.
Crawldaddy's suggestion for the FAQs sounds great too.It will be easier to navigate.
We were all noobs once 8O
ok , ive had too many oranges, sorry :lol: