success in singapore

forget it lah people,

i tell you hard..get 6 points for O'lvls and AAAA for A levels go into NUS and become a lawyer/doctor/(whatever top professions may be added here)

then earn lotsa big bucks..get a beautiful wife and a few children. then once you retire and ahve all the time in the word, migrate to N.America and become famous.

lol..sorry guys im very sleepy and i have no idea what im saying


PS:Singpore vands cant make it big one
the suns had a solid fanbase in melbourne, and i'm sure they'd have gotten even bigger with their next album.

if you read what sanjeev wrote about wayne, you'll learn about what it takes to do it.

RIP w.
those ppl who think the music industry doesn't suck probably haven't try anything: ?? u stay home just type a few words on comp...

do u have any experinece trying to break into the music scene?
have u produce yr own independent album?
have u try approaching big labels?
have u try apporaching magazines for reviews?
have u tried getting yr music cd to retailers/ distributors?
have u try promoting & marketing yr cd with limited resources, time & $$??????????????????? while holding a full time job?????????

or u just read ppl write on internet /mag how they get sucessful , big

for yr info i'm not trying to boast i've done all those questions i listed ... so i guess i have some experinece to know what i'm tallking .. correct me if i'm wrong but only if u have experience producing an independent CD & having it sucessful by WORKING HARD pls post here & let eevybody know how to do it: i surelly oso want to learn from any guru!!!

btw if u read any international website about indie music: u must have read/know that many other muscians oso feedback that the music industry is not so easy!!!
FIRST! we must get a huge majority of singaporean audience to fully support local music!

no good bands, no audience support, no demand, no demand no market, no market no money no talk.

just my useless opinion.

at least it's picking up now , now that there's 987 Home some radio play here and there.. etc.

keep the faith.

1¢ worth.
but they dont venture into alot of genres do they? they're more into the mainstream music.

there are some pretty good bands out there that arent getting the exposure they deserve.
Need money to distribute your albums overseas.. thats one way i can think of to get more recognised. But obviously it'll be costly.
PS:Singpore vands cant make it big one

The scene is where it is today because of the generations of people before us who worked hard for what they believed in, and these same people are still working to get bands in Singapore the respect and recognition they deserve. That said, we will definitely need to go beyond our borders if we want to make it big, because that's where all the labels are.

But we'll need the support of those closest to us first before we can begin to look for support from the major labels.. this is where other bands come in and encourage each other. Nothing happens without commitment! :)
the thing is, the singapore (authoritarian) government has no place for music. in a place where academic certification and money mean the world, don't hope.

not to mention Singapore itself has no unique culture, due to the diversity of people. No, the Americans already made a culture out of diversity, since that is the culture of Singapore.

We have China, India and Europe here. So does the USA. That is why musicians from those countries natively, especially Europe, shine. They have a culture to be proud of, to maintain, to protect. So the only thing u can do is trace ur roots :lol: Most of u will end up in the far east anyway, so start digging eastern culture. Like how one of my mates traced back his roots to fierce javanese hunters so he makes music on tattoos, pigs, and mud.
Ramli Sarip made it big in Malaysia.

Dick Lee dito for Japan.

States & Europe - hard..You dont see many A list Asians inn Hollywood do ya? same principle.
I totally agree with gutturalpiss's reality check too. but how bout this question : so...against all odds, who dares to be different? go the road less travelled. think the mindset less thought?

who dares to do something that'll cost their entire lifetime/money just to "influence" ?

somehow i'm thinkin' maybe james (soft) would have a pretty good opinion. since he has made quite a difference (imo) to bring us together at this very minute.

hmmmmm :roll:

"once there was this boy who.. took a trip to singapore and brought along his spray paint and when... he finally came back.. he had... cane marks all over his bottom..."

hmmmm mmmmm mmmm mmmm mmm...
I believe that recording quality is important. Its like sometimes u listen to local CDs, even if u havent heard of the band, u know its local music due to its quality. Rushing into recording is what alot of bands do here. No fundamentals, no feel sometimes. What im trying to say is, when locals think a local band is some foreign band just by listening to their CD, that way they will support that band. Thus, if more bands concentrate on sound quality, more support we will have for local music, coz it doesnt sound crapp-ish. So i hope the bands here wont rush into recording and work on the songs, technique and especially sound. Yes, im askin u to be fussy wit the sound engineer.

About money, gotta really work hard for it, coz it aint cheap. Recording, mastering and pressing. Not to forget CD artwork. Then comes distribution overseas..woohoo $$. Overall expenses can go up to $10 000 or even more. So imagine having 2 independent CDs, up to $20 000. Unless u get signed by a major label and start getting rich and famous by then, you'll remain a struggling musician, or just give up. So if u wanna make money out of ORIGINAL music, i can assure u its a very F*ckin slow process or it will never happen. Good luck to all!

in my honest opinion, theres no easy road to success no matter wat ur into,be it music,business or watever shit...great successful musicians r not made in a single takes lots of hardwork,perseverance,dedication n mastery of e art/instrument e individuals r into n also a touch of luck...success n luck only comes once ya werk for it...theres no use dreamin or complainin abt somethin if nothin is done to achieve it n really goin for it...

in my opinion,we local musicians hv to produce n emphasize more on quality original music works on a constant high level...even if doin a cover tune,rearrange it or make it ur very own in a way that best depicts or showcase e performin band or individual style or sound...always pushin our limits n tryin to produce better music each time instead of competin wif others or tryin to do somethin that no one hv done n gettin em to sing wif ya...we hv to stop immitating n sounding like our heroes,idols n influences n start producin gd original music works...its no use restrictin to juz a single genre or elements in a piece of music in this modern world n being a purists or music dictators...its ok to hv influences or studyin em,but not to e extend of copyin em as it restricts ones capabilities n mind... i think wif this we could in some way bridge e gap between eastern n western musicians hence higher e chances of bein successful local musicians...also people will steadily able to accept local musicians...i dont think its best if we rely on e government or anybody else to achieve our dreams or ambitions,we hv to rely on our ownselves to achieve it...if authorities,companies,labels,listeners etc wanna support us then its cool,if they dont so be it...if theres an obstruction in ones journey to be successful then get around it or find other ways to reach e destination...sometimes risks hv to b taken to reach e destination,therefore hv courage n faith in urself to be there...if ya want it,go all out for it...\fortune favours e bold/

well its juz my point of view,no offence intended n i apologize if its abit long though...

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