Doubt so to be honest the boutique market in singapore is really dead..
Yes, but what are the chances that it can be revived? I don't honestly believe that it's completely dead, it's just slow-moving. I believe that times right now are not that kind to the boutique market but as long as there are bands out there making music or even just covering others' music, there is still a chance. : )
I hope I don't sound preachy but you see, back in the Philippines, we have a lot of musicians wishing that there are boutique shops where they can try and purchase boutique pedals before buying. But since there are not a lot of shops willing to gamble(those who did ended up putting them up for sale at ridiculous prices compared to the online prices therefore stocks are hopelessly aging at the shelves), there's just no choice but to buy blindly online. I'm telling you, a lot of working musicians there have to make do with what we consider crappy gear here because the prices are just beyond a normal working person's reach not only because of the forex but also of the obscene tax there.
Here, we somehow can still flip it over even to a student who just have to save on his lunch money for a pedal if we don't like a pedal. And most importantly, we have shops who are risking losses to a "dead" scene yet still continue to bring in these products. I'm just telling you this guys so that others, who don't realize how lucky we are, may consider why we have to help the local shops here. One more good thing here is that your government seems to have a tax incentives to business owners so they can keep things competitively-priced.
I would say I'm acquainted with some owners of these shop, but no, I don't work for them or go out for coffee with them so I don't gain anything by referring friends to check their shops out. But I do it because for me, it's the least I could do to appreciate what we have in here.
I've been here long enough to read about guys complaining how cheaper they could have it if they order online, blah blah blah, but honestly if you factor in the shipping and paypal fees, you still end up with the same price they sell at shops here(those 3 aforementioned shops in particular). Problem with some of us, we compute how much the shop is making off us and not what the pedal's real market value is.
There, I finally let it go(not against you though, superpotato_30)... hahaha.: )