stripping of neck finish


New member
i want my schecter's neck to go from this:


to this:


what do you think? where can i do this?

few things you need.

1) sand paper ( 180, 400, 600grit )
- sand from roughest to finest for that baby bottom smooth satin feel.
- Sand in ONE DIRECTION , tape up parts of the neck you dont wanna sand as a precaution.

2) Lemon oil. the nourish and revitalise the neck surface.

3) Patience - do it slowly and steadily.

** try not to sand through the paint. its hideous. Sand abit off the poly finish then fine sand for the smoothness.. this way the poly still protects the neck surface from dirt and etc... **
chanmin, i assume you mean only satinising the poly instead of completely removing the paint like the esp?

kid_slacker: 006 blackjack, great guitar (:
black jack..

wads the wallet damage?

i got the cheap MIC one..heh..juz smth to start out with.
take a look at some of the prestige neck thro ibanez.

just do a fine surface sanding from grit 600 onwards.

or buy some super fine steel wool from the DIY marts.

tape away what you wanna avoid and rub away.
will the stripped neck feel the same before it was painted? even if it has been nourish by lemon oil? will there be any different?
well ... one use for the lemon oil .. despite the sanded surface not being wood.
is to cleanse the area from the sanding. And i find it makes the surface really smooth.
I've attempted it before on my epiphone acoustic. Used bronze wool (available from HomeFix, I got mine at Tampines to be specific) instead of steel wool. I highly recommend bronze wool over steel wool because it is not magnetic and hence will not be attracted towards your pickups, which will be a pain to get rid off. Please wear a face mask as the dust is carcinogenic.

Here it is:

By using bronze/steel wool, you're not actually stripping down to the wood but satin-ising it. Anyway even by using course sandpaper it will be a very very long time before you actually get into the wood. There's more coats of poly in there than you think. One advantage of satin-ising over stripping the neck is that the process is reversible, you can actually polish it up to get the gloss back if you don't like the satin look or feel. This may be negative as well because over time as you play your hands actually polishes the neck so you have to scuff is up occasionally for it to remain satin-like.

An alternative for bronze/steel wool is this 3m Sandblaster sponge also sold at HomeFix:


Should be cheaper than the bronze wool if I am not mistaken and is very much cleaner in application.

[Edit] On a side note, the esp guitar has a neck which is stripped into the wood, and then refinished with what looks like Tung oil or Danish oil to me.

Sorry for the long post 8)
to make a satin finish, i'd say don't go below 600 grit.

150 grit like the pic you've posted will leave deeep deeep scratches.
I have used 0000 steel wool in the past on the neck. It gives a very nice, smooth feel. You can also use it to clean, shine and polish the frets. But yes, cover your pick ups.