String-skip Sweep


New member
alrite i came up w/ the following to challenge myself & itz somethin i'v nvr reli done b4 & thtz string-skipping sweeping dunno whether itz called tht way bt thtz what i call it. so anyways..the thing is tht i'm having abit of a problem tryinna nail it. especially because of the direction of the strokes..basically i dont know whether i should just keep practicin with straight sweepin or whether i should do the alt+sweep way. below is the image export frm gp4. the fingering is according to im totali ok with tht. there r 2 methods. i have indicated the strokes. do take note tht the first 1, u continue w/ the same direction u finished on the last set. the second method, u have the freedom to continue in an alt direction, making the transfer from 19 to 20(eg) a breeze, since double strokes take more time to complete. i wanna know which way would prove an easier path. help me:

Eh man, so how's this going?

I got an idea for some sweeping compositon thing... harmonised sweeps... wanna do it?
after failing at the rolling (which im still trying to smoothen), i gave up. bt then i took a 2nd look at method 2. i got scarified :lol: basically i feel easier alt the bottoms n sweepin the top 3 to 4 notes. its turning out alrite..tho speed needs a rise. whoa..i can try. lemme know
hahaha... i see! I am very bad at string skipping so I dunno if I can do it! :) I'll try to post some tab... it'll be fun!
dont worry strats i cant nail anything smoothly :lol:
SC u may nt be gd according to u bt for some of us yer close to superman :o hey nice idea! i'll try to come up w/ something too
hahah this can b fun. at least for me. harmonies need nt always b of the same pattern & dynamic..might sound weird bt itz cool to me :lol: expand n continue the set n finally u'll have a cool lick
