oh, i give u an example of why simple things like setup or string changing can be rather confusing to newbie like myself.
one school of thought said that strings should be changed one at a time to counteract the tension of the trustrod. while some say just heck lah, change all at the same time. so which one should i follow? or does it really matter?
hehe, that makes thing fun as well, while confusing..
removing one by one or removing all?
just for myself, i do both.
If removing one by one, its because iam lazy and just wanna change a new set of strings
If removing all, its because i wanna shower tender loving care to my geetar. I will clean up my fretboard, polish my fretwire and oil my rosewood board etc
and the above might change when dealing with geetars using different bridge. For my licensed floyd rose trem equip geetar, i try to change strings one by one. (not that i change strings on that geetar much as well, perhaps 1 year 1 time... iam a lazy bastard and i dont like those trem nor use much of it. So i dont bother to polish or oil the damned thing either)
with guitars having fixed bridge, i changed the strings one by one at times and removed all at times as well.
Again, it aint fixed, it depends on what i wanna do.
We have to give more credit to the thrust rod in our geetar neck. Its not as weak in the sense when all strings are removed, it will cause problem or warping in a short while or heavier gauge will destory it. A good setup will take care of it
u said somethine about intonation is like a physic things with the design of the guitar. hmmm, now that means that different guitar with different designs or different number of frets will needa slightly different set up at the saddles, nut, pup height, blablabla.
yup, different geetars with different scale length, string gauge, pickup type will need its own adjustment for maximum playability.
Anyway, with the amount of info you can find, just stick to one first, do already then see how it goes. Theres no other way then reading some of it and doing much more to find out whether it works or not
worst come to worst, come out with money, look for guitar tech(search round for some of them mentioned in the forums) pay them, and have them setup the geetar while learning from them some infos to do your own setup.