Street Jam SG (Looking for performing bands as well!)


Active member
Hello everyone!

On behalf of the organising committee, I’m proud to announce an upcoming Street Jam right here in Singapore! Don’t worry, it will be properly licensced with the proper permits and venue is likely to be in Jalan Pinang/Arab Street, or more directly, beside Beat Merchants studio.

This gig will be out in the streets and will feature 10 top and up-coming local indie bands of today. In all likelihood the gig is most likely to take place in mid September. What I need is for interested band applicants to submit their demos and write-up to:

Bands are required to bring their own instruments (equipment like drums & amplifiers etc. will be provided) and themselves only. Also, we would require tickets to be sold by bands to cover costs. Ticket prices depends on cost of location and permits and will only be released upon finalising a line-up.

Please send your best demos in! Links to myspace, other social networking websites that forecast your music is accepted as well. Shortlisted bands will be notified via email. Thanks!

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Sorry I'm pretty caught up with work recently.
Basically the street will be cordoned off with road blocks and such. And you'll need tickets to get access into the area.
Those who has been to street jams, like for example the Traffic Jam Street Party where Daughtry performed will know what I mean.
IC... can understand the part on bands need to sell tickets to cover costs. A valid reason.

However, are there any incentives or financial remuneration for bands that sell tickets to their supporters? Like maybe if one ticket costs $10, bands will get a cut of $3-$4 per ticket sold, etc.
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The tickets will be priced according to the cost of equipment rentals + location costs + license.
I doubt there's profit incurred on any parties, as our intention is just to be a platform for musicians.

Regarding this issue we need the bands to sign up, that way we can kick start the WHOLE process. No band = No gig.
Once we've settled everything we will get back to the band regarding ticketing.
Updated with poster. Take note of the low pricing misfitramones.

Like I mentioned, not much chance for profits with such low pricing. We need more entries!
Updated with poster. Take note of the low pricing misfitramones.

Like I mentioned, not much chance for profits with such low pricing. We need more entries!

Well, you can increase the ticket price if you need to cover cost and earn some profits for future sustainability purposes.

Why can't organizers think about rewarding bands for their hard work in selling tickets? Since it is a quite a large-scale show, $15 ticket price is quite reasonable. Give bands $3-$4 commission per ticket sold.
Or maybe his purpose is not to profit but rather to just help some willing bands to get exposure and some fun for one night?

If our bro here can pull off the show at $5 tickets, I think it's great.
Hmmm... why must profit be bad? If it's a one-night stand for bands, then maybe it's a fine arrangement. But if the organizer is looking at doing this seriously on a regular basis, some profits can be good to ensure sustainability for both bands and organizer.

Anyway, profit here is not about greed. It is about fair remuneration. It is about giving bands due reward for their hard work. Too many organizers rip off bands to do the hard work for them all in the name of giving exposure. Bands work very hard to promote their shows to their supporters and they got nothing for it. And seriously, giving exposure is so over-rated nowadays. How many bands perform in open-air gigs make use of that exposure to be household name nowadays?

So if any organizer wants band to sell tickets, please start thinking about giving them a small piece of the pie. Include paying band as part of your operating cost. You don't need to pay a band $100. A simple thoughtful arrangement like every band will get $2 or $3 from every $8 ticket sold will be a very good gesture. In fact, this can be incentives for many bands to keep on playing music even though they may never be household names.
Please don't turn this thread into a platform for your discussion. This is a platform for musicians.

Gig is for exposure. Price is very cheap considering unlike normal gigs, this requires several licenses from various parties as well as equipment rental. And this low price is to attract a larger crowd. Crowd = exposure = larger fan base.
Oh, my apologies for breaking the Golden Commandment of this forum.

Am also a musician trying to fight for a better deal.

Though your premise about crowd = exposure = larger fan base can be debated, using my previous experiences as a performer and also a small-time organizer, I agree that this can be taken off the thread.
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Judging from the mindset of Singaporeans, the higher the price the more it will deter up and coming bands and potential "customers" from buying tickets. I find that the typical Singaporean non-musician will be more reluctant to part with more cash if the act or acts aren't established.

Of course I do agree that if the organiser can find a middle ground where some profit can be made while maximizing the exposure of bands that would be the best arrangement for everyone. It is quite a tricky situation but as long as its for a good cause I'm fine with it, no sarcasm and tension needed here. Gotta look at it from 2 sides.

Hope this event goes well bro.. Will you be playing?
Doubt so. My bassist and drummer will be leaving for good at 1st September for further studies.
My band will be performing on the 22nd at Substation though.. Turn up if you want!
my band's myspace is on my Signature~

Like I said, please send your portfolio to the email. This thread is for me, the email is for organizers.
I'm not an organizer, I'm only helping to spread information so that interested bands can apply for it.
*thread update*
Ticket prices is not finalized so this issue will be discussed in the future.

For now I need more interested applicants to sign up.

wck and Carboxymoron, interested? Lol