Stratified PRS


New member
Just finished doing some mods to my prs. decided to go down the path of singlecoils. so i got myself a pair of kinmans.


heres my prs in its original state with the mc carty mod and duncan distortions and graphtech ferraglides.


here r the new acrylic mounting rings. bought the 5mm thick sheet acrylic from bras basah. the 5mm thickness only comes in transparent. i removed the original mounting rings from my prs and made measurements. cut the acrylic with scroll saw in sch.


sprayed the acrylic black. reason for the offset holes is taking into account the shape of the pickup cavities and also my want to get the neck pickup as close to the neck as possible and the bridge pickup as close to the bridge as possible.


the finished product. after changing pickups and having no use for the push pull i got a friend to help me convert it into a push pull volume switch and the old volume becoming tone knob. the volume is wired such that on push it works pretty much similar to a volume pedal which does not remove my treble when rolled off. on pull it gives me the usual volume know capabilities. i stuck with 500k pots for more presence and i absolutely love the sound now.

now u may begin flaming :lol:
Yeah pls do send some sound files if possible. I've tried a McCarthy and thought it could deal with clean and harsh sounds well, so quite intrigued to see how your single coils match the PRS. I have a feeling it'll still be great :D Does it sound strat like? heh
Allparts have already produced a few of those I believe.

But this may sure turn out to be ineresting.

Humbucker guitars being modded to carry single coils..

This is what I call getting a sound that can be uniquely yours..

NOT getting a Boss DS-1 pedal, crank every knob run it thru a SX 10 watt amp, kill all the trebles and say its your own unique tone.
Are your Kinmans Stacked Hums?

PS. I have no hatred for stacked hums. I just happen to like singlecoils better. :lol:

Umm thor? I believe all Kinmans are noiseless.. not sure if stacked or not.

but yea. Noiseless in some way.
thor666: well yes they r. they r the woodstock plus set. but they sound like true singles to me. in fact very much better.

jony: yes all parts r making them but allparts make them slanted and if u were to try fitting them onto a regular humbucker equipped guitar it wont fit cos of the pickup cavity constraint. i believe all parts made those with a rectangular pickup cavity in mind but most pickup cavities r the small rects with the 'ears' at the sides.

shredcow: nah it doesnt. basically i only use neck and bridge. i dont like the sound in series so i dont even use the middle position on the toggle which combines my neck and bridge pickup. rather i play around with my dual volume and tone knob and in my playing i concentrate more on phrasing that effects and diff sounds.

sanXp: haha well i have no patience for doing that all day long. maybe i would if the scroll saw in my poly is on a table at a more comfortable level which doesnt make me hunch over for hours on end. and i didnt even have the proper finishing stuff like wet/dry abrasives so mines kinda rough up close.
well do keep a lookout for my next mod which will take place in july i suppose when my ebmm silhouette comes in. will put kinmans on that one too as it comes with dimarzio paf pros. i have something against the sound of them. and i cant resist the urge to stratify all my guitars now that ive finally found something thats really my thing. :D

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