Strat & SG Pickup wiring


New member

First up is my SG guitar.. just took out the SD which has 4 conductor wires.. now my new pickup has 2 conductor wires.. so cant copy the previous wiring..

nid some advice.. black wire no.1 is the bridge pickup connects to the green pot.. red wire no.2 is the neck pickup connects to blue pot..

i need to know where the white&silver wire of no.1 goes and where the red&silver wire of no.2 goes.. =)


Next up my project strat.. no.1 is where i connect the white wire from the pickups to the switch.. and the silver wires are soldered to the vol pot..

i need to know if the silver wires are to be soldered with the black n blue wire (which leads to the jack)

thanks in advanced people.. :)
Check out for a list of wiring diagrams.

SD website would have some diagrams too.

Basically, your 4 conductor pickups would have 2 of the 4 wires soldered together for series operation. Now, your 2 conductor picks do not have the option for alternative modes of operation other than series - so there's only 2 wires.
For the SG

the silver ( or uncovered ) wire are usually Ground wires
these will go to the back of the pots in your case
The colored wire are the Hot wires
these will go to the legs of the pots.

For the Strat

I cannot see .. your pic to blurr
and your question not clear too.
either legs? cuz from my previous wiring it's the 1st leg.. but than again some scematics show middle leg some 1st leg..