Stradivarius violin bested by modern day maker

awesome. that'll show the purists.
i feel that they, whether they r piano, guitar or whatever purists, often show a lack of rational thought.
Interesting. This shows people listen with their eyes (and perceptions). Those tone purists must be feeling quite stupid right now.

Yeah. This experiment can be done on guitars too. Vintage classics vs Reissues, Custom Shops vs Production models, or $5000 Gibson/Fender vs $1500 Other Brands, etc. Once the curtain is drawn, people will experience true hearing.
Maybe it's the violinist? Hehe... they should let violinists from all over test so they'll see if they're really accurate.
Very true. It's not double-blinded. However, it's hard to believe that the violinist will play worse on his personal 2 million dollars Stradivarius. But not impossible, considering the whole test is organised by the maker of the new violin and the violinist is probably paid... Best is to get a amateur violinist who got no idea what a Stradivarius.