hey guys, i had a gig recently with 2 guitarist sharing a pod x3 live into house rig, no guitar amps on stage. quite a decent result i think. there was no soundman and the sound was balanced by us 10 minutes before the set.
if you guys have fb you can check the videos out here:
one of the reasons why i still stick to my pod. gonna try the new pods when i can, letting go my pod x3 live first before that though.. shameless sale here.. interested, pm me! =P
a lil programming for the pedal was necessary but the process was simplified by the computer patch editing software. pod x3's have 2 individual effects chain, each capable of handling 2 amp simulators, so what people usually do is to make use of this with one guitar in. the result would be one guitar with two tones coming out, say a mesa rec and a bogner ubershall, together. what i did was to assign these two chains to two separate individual inputs, guitar in and aux in. each of these dual tones was saved into a patch and so they were both changed when i changed to a different bank.
i knew the pod x3 live could do this from the start but never thought i would actually find any use of it until circumstances forced me to. haha, we were given a stage, house pa, and 5 mikes and a few cables. and since budget was tight and equipment was not provided, we had to bring our own beg-steal-borrowed stuff. since my band was our own tech crew and soundmen, we did a fairly complex setup so that we had more overall control of our sound balance on stage.
the power of a S$700 piece of plastic! >.<