stocking up on chops


New member
hey guys, i was wondering.. how you come up with your licks and stuff or new material cuz whenever i play, it's sounding the same more or less the same then usual.. hmm now i've learned the modes and all but only in one posistion for each mode would that be enough? or do i go and learn all them posistions.. need some help here would love to expand my chops libary =)
The key thing is to listen to others to find out what's best out there that can complement your style well. Learn the licks of others and try incorporating them into your own.

The positional modes, scales patterns and stuff are more like guidelines rather than rules. Try and see if you can come up with something nice by playing all the out notes of the scale. Guaranteed to sound different from what you usually play. Very important to use your ears and feel the groove of the melody.
i see i see but is there a general rule of thumb? like min. learn 2 types of scales in all posistions and stuff like that? or is it just your basic, use ur creativity on the fret board thing
Just play as many other people's songs, licks, solos or watever as u can. Then mesh them up make them ur own. Thats wat they called "influences" . Scales and such just put things into perspective what u are playing and act as a guide. U cant teach creativity. The only way is to keep at it, and one day u will find ur style. good luck.
Yup exactly what Mobius said. By learning other people's guitar solos your already building your own repertoire of chops and licks. But be sure to NOT just copy blindly, see when they put it and learn the chord progression behind it. So when dumped into a jam situation, you'll be able to pull the lick off wonderfully. Pentatonics minor and harmonic minor? All time favourite and shit loads of licks there would be the song HOTEL CALIFORNIA! no need speed, feel and bends.
I'd say don't copy but DIY.

See, your issue is "whenever i play, it's sounding the same more or less the same then usual" so.. it sounds like you are having trouble getting your own voice and your new material sounds stale - you need to get inspired!

Find recording software, easy to find them free ones, and start doing your own stuff...

Listen to material for inspiration so you can steal the vibes not so much the licks. If you notice, its the vibe we are after... not so much the same choice of notes. If you can cop the notes... but not the vibe... hmmm... I'd think its pointless and that is where the "you're just a clone" comes in.

Knowledge of the fretboard is necessary so you can comfortably and
naturally utilise the entire span. There's no need to learn every mode and every scale in all positions but it will sure help. There is a need to be comfortable though - so start playing stuff high up the neck, an area many don't utilise a lot.

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