starter packs

Couldn't you just edit your previous post?

I don't know, starter-packs are never my taste. From the get-go I already knew that I am totally serious about the guitar, and thus I never considered getting a starter-pack.

If you too, are serious about the guitar, you would eventually outgrow that guitar starter pack of yours, and will be demanding for something better.
but i read the review and it has one heck of a thick yeah imma girl n i have small hands so how haha
bling said:
but i read the review and it has one heck of a thick yeah imma girl n i have small hands so how haha

might have been me somewhere saying that the neck is thick, but i feel that the ibanez wizard ii neck, found on the RG 350/370 guitars are a bit chunky, compared to their older model wizard necks

anw i i still agree with mamemo, ibanez necks are still very thin, compared to a typical strat or les paul
i'd say go for an ibanez rg321, the pickups are acceptable, its a fixed bridge,its got 24 frets(all youll ever need), the neck is thinner than your average strat, and its an ibanez
You should do a search on the SA and RG321, subversion did reviews on them.

They are different guitars, each excel at somethign better than the other.

What kind of music do you wanna play?
I wouldn't say the RG321 can't do blues, its more of an image thing lah... but the 24 fret compromises tha neck humbucker if you really want the authentic neck tone of blues.

I dunno, i get the SA vibe from you more when talkign to you on MSN. Heh.. Maybe I'm sexist. :p
Oh yeah, btw the RG321 and SA260?

The SA will be more versatile.

I really believe HSS pup configs are the way to go... with a 22fret neck.
mamemo said:
ibanez necks are already very thin, compared to other guitars
haha, i used to have an ibanez, the neck was hard for me to handle tho, it was thicker than my LP or my Samick strat copy. It was an RG42 i think, or sth like that...haha...