Stage fright for soloist


New member
We have talked about stage fright concerning bands but what about soloist?

I don't think stage fright is that great for a band because the fright is divided among the band members while stage for a soloist is centred on just one person....

Any tips or advices?
i've you've got stage fright then don't be a soloist, be a more backing member and lay down some groove (which is even more important a role, I dare say).

if you're gonna solo, do it with some flair and have fun. performance is more than technical wankering.
It helps to practice till you can play yoru solo with your eyes closed.

So when you go up, you can either shut your eyes, or dump your glasses. ;)

Everyone gets stage fright, EVERYONE. Its how mild or how serious it can be... best thing you can do is to encourage a lot.

I guess if you are on your own... I dunno... personally, I treat the audience like friends, like family. So I'm very casual with them. Helps a lot.