Sridhar - Axe-fx content (Heavy!)


New member
Hey guys,

Been a while since I posted anything on here. Recently managed to get my hands on the Fractal Axe-fx, and it is insane. Everyday is christmas!

Here's a quick clip . Would love to hear some feedback from you lads.

Anyone want to guess what amp model was used?

Hint: Its dual, yet four at the same time ;)
haha yea!! nice track there, the axe-fx does wonders man. i'd love to add one of these beast into my main guitar rig! currently my budget only allows me with work with a pod hd500 though, and it's already a !@#$% to carry around, go jamming / perform macam do road march like that.. can't imagine doing that with an axe fx without a car or something. are you using FRFR monitors?
haha yea!! nice track there, the axe-fx does wonders man. i'd love to add one of these beast into my main guitar rig! currently my budget only allows me with work with a pod hd500 though, and it's already a !@#$% to carry around, go jamming / perform macam do road march like that.. can't imagine doing that with an axe fx without a car or something. are you using FRFR monitors?


You find a PODHd500 hard to carry around? Wow :p

Yes, I'm running it into FRFR. Just FYI, you can get a wheel mounted rack case so you can push it around like a stroller.

Yeah man, no joke!! haha one hand carry pod hd500 bag the other carry another aux bag of cables, wireless and more pedals. i swear both are heavier than a matador!