squire strat or ephiphone sg?


New member
i mayy get a new guitar, i'm targeting the lower end models. so should i get a squire strat or an ephiphone sg?

the sunburst ephiphone sg looks awesome imo.
yeah i agree, id go for epiphone too. If youre looking at low end, check out the PRS SE line, they are brilliant for how much they cost.
brand name doesnt matter, as long as you like the guitar's overall feel and sound, you should get that- just try both out and decide
one of the best shredders around uses a squier and he puts most of us to shame with the tone and stuff he can juice out of it. its the player, not only the guitar. but den both the epiphone and the squier are 2 diff styles of guitars neither outshining each other so best to try both and see which one u prefer.

i played with a squire telecaster b4.
love it lots..
considering of getting 1..
if i could decide on a telecaster or a ibanez gio or a wine red 72' strat
an Epi SG alternative you should consider:

LTD Viper-50
Nothing to be ashamed of low end guitars lah.. I have heard Han from Ranking make a TGM sound like a expensive guitar.

And an SG and Strat are 2 very diff sounding guitars, What type of style do u play?
i dont think its a question of price or brand, or rather its the type of sound you prefer. both are very different in terms of feel, tone. IMO, if your into heavier music you should go for the sg if not get the squire, then again, you should go down and try it for yourself.
go 4 the epiphone. my younger bro owns a squire strat n i can tell u, ur paying for the 'by Fender' more than anything else. ive tried both n epi definitely more value for money, in terms of sound and feel. but ultimately, try both n decide 4 urself.
nothing. personal pref. i alr said, ultimately try urself. ive tried both. have both in my hse. n tts my pref.
Gr3yF0x said:
go for the sg. squire strats, haha. i don't like. i feel ashamed to use it for shows.

I USE ONE LOH.. basket. shes my pride and joy.. plays so fuggen well.. love her to bits. but mine is one of the old batch ones its an 84/85 squier.. small headstock squier :)
eljo89 said:
go 4 the epiphone. my younger bro owns a squire strat n i can tell u, ur paying for the 'by Fender' more than anything else.

depends on which Squire you are referring to. the california models are superb, the Standard ones are definitely value-for-$$$