Spyware - Zombie [cover]

Its a bit loose in the beginning, can aim to be more tight. The vocals a bit pitchy, and also can aim to be more expressive. The mix is well done though. Keep rockin' :)
Thanks people, keep the comments coming.

Ragetone: Thank you. :) Still have a ton of things to improve.

Mobius: Thanks mobius! Yeah it's still not very tight. The vocalist is still learning to be more expressive. :) The song was recorded at Session Studio/ Studiophile. located opp Bugis Junction.

Nak: It's actually those digital drums.. those yamaha digital drums.. lol. i'm not very sure bout it... but i'm sure there's more than one cymbal. :)
SO this is what you have been up to eh? ;)

Well, you gotta re-eq your guitar... its quite dark and when the distortion comes on, it lacks defination. Only IMO lah. :D

And your solo ah... forgot how to do vibrato is it? ;) Not confident leh!
ermm..with all due respect and no offence intended...

the vocalist's singing does make my hair stand.

niwae..there's effort in there.so..appreciated.
Dolores Burton's voice isnt tt low also wad..well..juz the tone..nids more expression lar.aniwae..

it takes practise.
Thanks for the replies! heh :)

ShredCow: Well other than that i'm rotting at home. Yeah exactly.. it's really deep.. i dont like the distortion too. Cannot vibrato lah... i tried.. but it always went outta tune.

Kid_slacker: :) No worries. Still improving!

Phil: Thanks! Yeah not expressive enough. She's still trying. :)