Speech level singing :)

Hahahaha, i hope my dad wins 4d too! i've been saving up like mad to pay for lessons man

No luh, don't say that. Every one can sing unless they;re tonedeaf!

I got a cartoon voice, sigh.

I shall pm you the link, and you shall listen it and tell it whether can it be saved~
Hey there are pretty powerful cartoon voices within our vocal softies yknow~
I stand as witness :P

Grace I haven't heard the songs yet cos I can't play songs on my pc at the moment but good to know that you've improved~ :}
How different is SLS from a normal vocal lesson(for instance from LWSleeweisong Sch Of Music)?
And since its a different way of teaching, are those born with pitching problem suitable for SLS?

Since from the name SLS, it suggests to me that its singing induced from "speech" (correct me if im wrong), can it work for everyone? Cos I know vocal lessons might not work for everyone.
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How different is SLS from a normal vocal lesson(for instance from LWSleeweisong Sch Of Music)?
And since its a different way of teaching, are those born with pitching problem suitable for SLS?

Since from the name SLS, it suggests to me that its singing induced from "speech" (correct me if im wrong), can it work for everyone? Cos I know vocal lessons might not work for everyone.
hmmm someone correct me if i'm wrong, but sls is simply what it is, speech level singing. Singing the way you would speak.. in other words, no strain and no stretching to hit those high notes. Seth Riggs was one of the first pioneers of SLS and still is very well-known in the field.. Brett Manning's kinda like the new generation instructor. One of his vids had me O_O
Check out the part towards the end.. front part's abit boring if you don't know what he's talking about, but the ending.. wow
hmmm someone correct me if i'm wrong, but sls is simply what it is, speech level singing. Singing the way you would speak.. in other words, no strain and no stretching to hit those high notes. Seth Riggs was one of the first pioneers of SLS and still is very well-known in the field.. Brett Manning's kinda like the new generation instructor. One of his vids had me O_O
Check out the part towards the end.. front part's abit boring if you don't know what he's talking about, but the ending.. wow

Hey, as much as i know, brett manning used to be a student and an instructor of seth riggs who created the speech level singing technique. Brett then left and decided to create his own thing which is Singing success. Seth continued to refine SLS and no longer endorses Brett. SLS instructors are certified yearly, and can change because some are no longer licensed to teach as they didnt pass the certification
yea.. sorry i didn't make that clear, ya he's a student of seth.. i reread what i said and it looks like i made it sound like he took over the master LOL.

to give brett credit, i've studied his material and it's like a replica of what seth teaches man.. so who really gives a hoot if it's 'endorsed' or not?
yea.. sorry i didn't make that clear, ya he's a student of seth.. i reread what i said and it looks like i made it sound like he took over the master LOL.

to give brett credit, i've studied his material and it's like a replica of what seth teaches man.. so who really gives a hoot if it's 'endorsed' or not?

Well, it's important to me cause if i am learning a technique, i don't want to learn it from those who choose not to continue to be certified. Brett focuses more on style than on the technique..His singing success home study program is a one size fits all program. Whereas, Seth's home study program ''Singer's advantage'' at least has a male and female version and it also identifies the various voice types. After going for lessons with Daniel, i konw that different voices are being fixed by different tools. So if you happen to apply the wrong tool without knowing what it's used for then you can be doing things wrongly.

This is my opinion and it's why i'd rather learn from a certified SLS instructor

How different is SLS from a normal vocal lesson(for instance from LWSleeweisong Sch Of Music)?
And since its a different way of teaching, are those born with pitching problem suitable for SLS?

Since from the name SLS, it suggests to me that its singing induced from "speech" (correct me if im wrong), can it work for everyone? Cos I know vocal lessons might not work for everyone.

As much as i know, the difference between SLS and music schools is the method they use and the qualifications of the instructors.

Most music schools focus on placement, projection, volume, diapghram support, however in SLS, they focus more on the cause and effect of the voice.

SLS instructors are retested and trained yearly (like i've said) to ensure that they upkeep their teaching abillity and their own voices. That's why SLS is very much expensive because there's a standard that's being upkept... like Daniel Singh, he charges 150$ an hour and Seth Riggs himself, the creator of SLS technique, charges $500 per hour for a voice lesson.

No no, it's not about singing that's induced from speech. But Speech level singing refers to the fact that when we speak there is a ''speech level'', where there is a balance of air and muscle, allowing us to sing throughout our vocal range without having to yell or flip (zao xia, go out of tune) or use any muscular tension... so singing in the end becomes as easy like as though we are speaking. Also, when we speak, our larynx (adam's apple) remains stable and doesn't move much but when most singers sing, their larynx rises up for the high notes and sinks down for the low notes. Most singers also have problems singing through their bridges.. It's like when we sing higher notes we tend to push too much muscles or blow too much air. So in essence, SLS trains us using the right tools that will help us sing through this bridges without having to strain and allow our larynx to remain stable throughout the voice range.

I know of Daniel having singers referred from the local hospitals who have vocal nodules and he helped to fix their voice back without having them go for a surgery as SLS is a technique for vocal rehabilitation.

I'm sure you've heard of popular singers like whitney houston, mariah carey, justin timberlake, christina aguilera and elton john. I mean although they sound powerful... they all have been through one or more surgeries on their voice as they damaged it from their yelling..

It's kinda hard to explain too indepth and technical.. cos my knowledge is based on my experience, voice lessons and from attending Daniel's vocal workshops.

Anyway if you want to know more you can read more from Seth's own Q&A page on his website -http://www.sethriggs.com/seth-qa.html or you can give Dan a call, he's much better at explaining than i am. haha! his number is on his site :) www.danielstudios.com

I hope this answers your question :D
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Hey thanks for your in-depth reply to my question!
Haha okay 1 more question, how long would it take to complete the course? (I'm not talking about fully mastering the technique but I'm referring to learning all the techniques that are being taught)
Can it be done within a year if lets say Tom goes for SLS weekly?
Or it is based on each and every individual's performance during the lesson, ie case by case basis?
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Hey thanks for your in-depth reply to my question!
Haha okay 1 more question, how long would it take to complete the course? (I'm not talking about fully mastering the technique but I'm referring to learning all the techniques that are being taught)
Can it be done within a year if lets say Tom goes for SLS weekly?
Or it is based on each and every individual's performance during the lesson, ie case by case basis?

Haha, you're welcome :)! It's really not fixed, like some of Dan's clients still go for lessons even though after 3 years of training!(even though that client sounds damn good! HAH) I guess it's more of a case by case basis. For me i took about 5-6 months to achieve that result (as you might have heard on the recordings i've put up), but going weekly's a pretty good start to help in maintaining the voice.
Yea I was rather interested in this SLS cos I could tell the difference in the tonal quality of your voice from the recordings. I think you can quality to be Singapore's SLS advertisement liao haha. But 150per hour is like daylight robbery. LOL so 4 times a month is 600!
Haha, you're welcome :)! It's really not fixed, like some of Dan's clients still go for lessons even though after 3 years of training!(even though that client sounds damn good! HAH) I guess it's more of a case by case basis. For me i took about 5-6 months to achieve that result (as you might have heard on the recordings i've put up), but going weekly's a pretty good start to help in maintaining the voice.
Yea I was rather interested in this SLS cos I could tell the difference in the tonal quality of your voice from the recordings. I think you can quality to be Singapore's SLS advertisement liao haha. But 150per hour is like daylight robbery. LOL so 4 times a month is 600!

HAHAHA, it's really damn expensive lah, but to me, daylight robbery is training with an instructor who charges cheaper , is not certified and doesn't really konw how to fix the voice.
I think i've been singing for about 7 years now, it was when i realised i kept having sore throats every two weeks then i thought of wanting to find a vocal teacher. Until, i chanced upon SLS and decided to give it a shot despite the expensive rate. You get what you pay for :D seriously. wha no lah qualify for Singapore's SLS advertisement :/
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I get sore throats too after jamming sessions and gigs.. Maybe I should give this a shot?

Haha, it's your decision :) but ultimately, SLS worked for me and it's worth the money spent!
Anyway, there are two SLS instructors in singapore. One who charges 75$ per half hour, 150$ an hour and the other charges 50$ per half hour.

The one who charges more is more experienced and is a level 2 year 2 instructor, the other is a level 1 instructor :)
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Hahaha thanks :), i like you put a move on my heart too! :)i'm totally addicted to that song, but for now, i'm off singing for a week cos i fell sick and lost my voice and i've got an audition next week!!!!

and yes his voice, sometimes i get a shock when i hear it cos it's like :|! he does it to annoy people sometimes HAHA :P

You sung well. However, you sould try recording with a minus one, then we can hear your true vocal powers! hehe :D The original performer of those songs overpowers your voice at times, so can't really differentiate if that voice is you or the original performer of that song...

Anyway, how did you lost your voice? And just curious, what audition is that?
You sung well. However, you sould try recording with a minus one, then we can hear your true vocal powers! hehe :D The original performer of those songs overpowers your voice at times, so can't really differentiate if that voice is you or the original performer of that song...

Anyway, how did you lost your voice? And just curious, what audition is that?

Hey thanks alot! yeah i know, but those recordings are recorded during my lesson when Daniel is teaching. He records each lesson so we can take it home to practise and also keep track of our progress. Haha, yeah i knw sometimes it's kinda hard to differentiate the voice if you listen. For me, of course i can tell which is my voice lah hahaha.

Oh, i kept staying up late studying for my exams. Lack of sleep, then i had discomfort in my throat, cold then a sore throat after which. It's the Asia Conference showtime comp audition :)
They're both from the same school, so the methods are much the same. Just that daniel is more experienced so he charges more (and he can probably teach you faster, due to having more experience).

That said, every teacher has their own personal style. Some might use exercise A to fix a problem and others exercise B. But the end result is the same either way.

I picked Daniel because he's a guy, and I assumed he would understand my voice better :) But I've heard some of his female students and he seems to have no problem teaching them too.
They're both from the same school, so the methods are much the same. Just that daniel is more experienced so he charges more (and he can probably teach you faster, due to having more experience).

That said, every teacher has their own personal style. Some might use exercise A to fix a problem and others exercise B. But the end result is the same either way.

I picked Daniel because he's a guy, and I assumed he would understand my voice better :) But I've heard some of his female students and he seems to have no problem teaching them too.

Alice and Daniel are not in the same school actually, they're just teaching the same method..and also, Alice and Daniel have difference in the experience level, its more likely for the more experienced to would give a faster progress in fixing the voice

I know Dan trains lots of female clients, and he can reach the same pitches they reach hahahah! Well, i'm one of his female clients, everything worked out fine for me! :)