yea.. sorry i didn't make that clear, ya he's a student of seth.. i reread what i said and it looks like i made it sound like he took over the master LOL.
to give brett credit, i've studied his material and it's like a replica of what seth teaches man.. so who really gives a hoot if it's 'endorsed' or not?
Well, it's important to me cause if i am learning a technique, i don't want to learn it from those who choose not to continue to be certified. Brett focuses more on style than on the technique..His singing success home study program is a one size fits all program. Whereas, Seth's home study program ''Singer's advantage'' at least has a male and female version and it also identifies the various voice types. After going for lessons with Daniel, i konw that different voices are being fixed by different tools. So if you happen to apply the wrong tool without knowing what it's used for then you can be doing things wrongly.
This is my opinion and it's why i'd rather learn from a certified SLS instructor
How different is SLS from a normal vocal lesson(for instance from LWSleeweisong Sch Of Music)?
And since its a different way of teaching, are those born with pitching problem suitable for SLS?
Since from the name SLS, it suggests to me that its singing induced from "speech" (correct me if im wrong), can it work for everyone? Cos I know vocal lessons might not work for everyone.
As much as i know, the difference between SLS and music schools is the method they use and the qualifications of the instructors.
Most music schools focus on placement, projection, volume, diapghram support, however in SLS, they focus more on the cause and effect of the voice.
SLS instructors are retested and trained yearly (like i've said) to ensure that they upkeep their teaching abillity and their own voices. That's why SLS is very much expensive because there's a standard that's being upkept... like Daniel Singh, he charges 150$ an hour and Seth Riggs himself, the creator of SLS technique, charges $500 per hour for a voice lesson.
No no, it's not about singing that's induced from speech. But Speech level singing refers to the fact that when we speak there is a ''speech level'', where there is a balance of air and muscle, allowing us to sing throughout our vocal range without having to yell or flip (zao xia, go out of tune) or use any muscular tension... so singing in the end becomes as easy like as though we are speaking. Also, when we speak, our larynx (adam's apple) remains stable and doesn't move much but when most singers sing, their larynx rises up for the high notes and sinks down for the low notes. Most singers also have problems singing through their bridges.. It's like when we sing higher notes we tend to push too much muscles or blow too much air. So in essence, SLS trains us using the right tools that will help us sing through this bridges without having to strain and allow our larynx to remain stable throughout the voice range.
I know of Daniel having singers referred from the local hospitals who have vocal nodules and he helped to fix their voice back without having them go for a surgery as SLS is a technique for vocal rehabilitation.
I'm sure you've heard of popular singers like whitney houston, mariah carey, justin timberlake, christina aguilera and elton john. I mean although they sound powerful... they all have been through one or more surgeries on their voice as they damaged it from their yelling..
It's kinda hard to explain too indepth and technical.. cos my knowledge is based on my experience, voice lessons and from attending Daniel's vocal workshops.
Anyway if you want to know more you can read more from Seth's own Q&A page on his website - or you can give Dan a call, he's much better at explaining than i am. haha! his number is on his site
I hope this answers your question