Spearkers! Any recommendations?

Depends on your application. Luckily in SG, there are pratically most of the major brands available. But some you have to wait for models, as they don't carry stock.

Maybe you can narrow down to what purpose, live, fixed, indoors, outdoors, architechural, studio, hall, club, pub....etc...

Equally important is the amplifer to go with your speakers, a well matched system will give you a lasting lifespan.

All the brands you mentioned are very reputable. worth considering. But have to shop around, as choices are really wide. What you pay is what you get, expensive ones tend to be built in US or european countries, normally highly regarded.

But some brands have already shifted production to the east, thus you can also consider the cost savings. Low cost products does not mean poor performance, if you can select the right product and use it with care, it could perform and last as well too. But more hits and misses, better to be used by very experienced users.
Thanx man!

Of coz, Made in China doesn't mean it's like shit =)

Look at all the good brands that are make in China but still rocks!

Brands like Maestro, Blueridge, SX, Lower End Yamaha


Personally, I had used the following brand of speakers

Yamaha, JBL, Whaferdale Pro, Delta

Was looking at other brands like EV, Martin Audio, Nexo etc. which seems to be higher end stuff haha

Too bad i didn't have the chance to try it during palas

Prataz, you still have not stated the application and requirement? Most important - budget!
If you are doing a market survey, I think that there is no better way to do so, then to survey the product in actual action.

I am suspecting you are asking about live, so no better than to go to performances and events. Check out the road shows during weekends in town.

You can judge for youself if the sound really throw well or not. My opinion, is that most pro audio products (at least got some brand, even cheap ones)used properly will deliver to expectation. Cause the main concern is to deliver message to the intended audience. General purpose use do not emphasize on Hi-fidelity as a must.

Like they say in the old days, "can hear can already lor".

Normally the equipment supplier try to make the sound as good as possible so as to please the organiser, because the organiser is under pressure to deliver. The audience do not have any pressure except to enjoy themselves. So audience are normally much less fussy.

Haha.... if you thinking of going into rental business, my opinion is that it's already too saturated market. difficult to earn. I still have some business development plans, if you are keen, we can discuss... heehee
haha not really interesting into going into rental =)

I'm running a committee in my uni responsible for the backline and foh equipment.

That's why i'm interested in finding out more.

Currently, I have the following

JBL Mpro 215 2 way and 418 subs

Yamaha R115 2 ways

Whaferdale Pro 2 ways and subs

I'm interested in comparing Martin Audio, Nexo, JBL and other branded items and see which one is better and have good customer support =P

And of coz better headroom etc.

Maybe in the future, i may buy horn systems hehe

Tat's y i'm asking this question so that i can prepare for my future budgeting and purchasing
Hmmmmm........ support wise is a very sticky question, in SG, especially on this particular topic.

Ok, the common practise out there is that there are NO real warranty to cover the speaker cones. Meaning when you purchase it, and first setup and test that everything is fine, I think is the ONLY warranty that you will have. So as long as the speaker works, that's it.

This is because, the dealer cannot govern how you use the speakers. If you blast it upon first use, or mismatch the amplifier, the speaker blown is your own fault. I think this is a universal practise. (these incident actually happens more than we would like to acknowledge, most users won't know how to match in the first place)

So most of the time, buyer prefer to stick to the dealer's package or reccomendation.

The more important question would be: "Will I be able to fix my broken stuffs when it happens, and if there is ready spare parts available?"

This will depend largely on how established the dealer is. But sometime large dealers also have ex-stock problems too. Branded stuffs will always carry its price, even in repair, so always be cash prepared. I think more to luck on this, and how resourceful you are.

So my most important advise is this. Have a good knowledge on whatever you are using currently. Use it safely, do not overdrive, add more when more power is needed. Have a replacement plan, so your old stuffs can retire when it's time is nearly over. Be resourceful, know your dealer, repairman and even 2nd hand dealer to take your old stuffs.

It's best not to hold on to things you don't need or used anymore, clear it cheaply better than incurr space, and further deterioration and depreciation.

More often renting things which are rarely used is the best choice. I have seen more often than not, people buying things they only use once in a blue moon, end up unusable only after 2-3 times, due to non-maintainence, and lengthy storage. It's just not efficient.
Buying Good Speaker is one thing, I can also show you how to upgrade your present speaker sound condition or any sound producing equipments that you have now by Genesis Sound Series. If you like, I can do a demo to your current system. You can email me at hokushin.co@gmail.com for further information. Thanks
Hmm, you are gonna get really confused looking around that much, my suggestion is to do your research, reviews help too.
With that many brands in the market, everyone is gonna have their own opinion.
I know lots of pple who swear by EAW, EV or Nexo etc, BUT who has a better system? that is subjective, like in the church market, the first of choice is ALWAYS EAW systems, for some other venues, it might be the martins, you know?
DO your homework and ask around, sometimes the system you desire may be priced out of your budget.
JBL makes some low end series which i personally think don't sound any better or have better components than a china speaker rig, so buy with your ears.
Oh, I forgot to add, forget the Yamaha speakers....

If you want ease of set-up and use, consider the Mackie SRM450, it's active, meaning you don't need an amp, just plug directly into you mixer, you won't come across anyone who'll have anything bad to say about it and all respectable rental houses here have at least a couple, the big boys have them in twenties and thirties at a minimum.
Walk along orchard one day and you'll be able to audition them at a few of the roadshows you find.
There are lots of good brands out there, namely:

(1) d&b Audiotechnik
(2) Martin Audio - As used by Ministry of Sound
(3) MeyerSound
(4) EAW
(5) JBL - You should soundcheck the Vertec Series !

You should grab the chance to soundcheck them during any exhibitions or shows. I heard the Meyers vs EAW vs Vertec vs EV during a show...I was able to AB any difference, This will help you decide on which is most suitable for your needs and of course, budget !

For budgeted setups, I go for the JBL (Lower Range) Speakers with Crown (Lower Range) Amps

For Higher End setups, I use d&b Speakers with Lap Gruppen Amps

Happy Hunting !
Speaking of d&b, esplanade just bought a entire setup of J-series subs and tops that you can audition at Baybeats2006's main stage. wicked things, 140db per box. I would estimate the SPL to be close to 120db at mix position, and those things are barely 4 days old, havent even season yet :lol:

Last day to check them out tomorrow! :wink:

(ps: analogpurist, you use d&b speakers with labgruppen amps? arent those things supposed to be fed by proprietary D&B D12 amps?)
sorry i know this is out of point, but wad's the diff between active and passive speakers? Wad are subs? How are they used?
Active speakers are basically speakers with amps. You only need plug in the power and signal. Passive means speaker only. You need to use your own amp to drive the speakers. Subs means sub woofers. It is a speaker with a large cone that is capable of producing very low frequencies usually below 50 Hz.

hi all,

I have another newbie question. If my output is stereo, dos this mean I have to have 2 active speakers (like SRM450)? Or does the amp output to another passive?

Agreed the mackie srm range is the best for sound and ease of use if you have the budget should cot around 1k per speaker
If you are looking into investing some reasonable good loudspeakers, plan yr budget towards mini-array or array system.
PM me if you wanna noe/expand on tis topic. Good Luck!

Wat are good brands for speakers?

JBL? Martin Audio? Yamaha?

Any recommendations?